TRICLOSAN-FREE! By Alicia Lee & Vanessa Sakong
TRICLOSAN What is it? Where is it? Triclosan is the most commonly used anti-bacterial chemical agent. It is found in most (almost all) antibacterial cleaning products (hand soap, detergent, etc.)
What is the issue? Triclosan is building up in the ocean. Detrimental to our environment. KILLS ALGAE Algae is the first link in the marine food chain. It also produces 80% of our oxygen. FOUND IN BODIES It has been found in the umbilical blood cord of infants and in the breast milk of mothers. After being flushed down the drain, about 75% compounds survive treatment at sewage plants
Simply put: Usage of triclosan included soap Enters waterways and bodies Continues to kill algae and affects health
SOLUTION! Make soap that is easy to make Have the soap be more captivating compared to popular soap that has triclosan.
How? Coconut Oil Hand smoothing qualities Popular ingredient that widely bought. Tea Tree Oil A natural antibacterial substance. A substitute for triclosan.
Design Prototype Tablespoon of olive oil Tablespoon of grapeseed oil Tablespoon of coconut oil ½ teaspoon of tea tree oil 2 bars of plain bar soap
FINAL SOLUTION! Make triclosan-free soap that has natural antibacterial qualities and additional elements that are even more beneficial to the skin and to the environment. Make triclosan-free soap that has natural antibacterial qualities and extra qualities that are beneficial to skin as opposed to widely used soap.
WORKS CITED: kills-bacteria-reduces-algal-photosynthesis/ 400x237.jpg antibacterial-soaps-is-found-to-impair-muscle-function-22127536/