14th CBSC Conference 5.1C - EAtHC Report Abu Dhabi – May 2016
EAtHC CB overview Continuing challenges (WCA sub-region): increasing maritime co-activities in the African sub-region, making urgent to raise high-level political decision-makers awareness; the need to enhance the data available in the African sub-region; concern for the setup of regional hydrographic course adapted to the needs of coastal States; difficulty, in some cases, to put into practice the training received, due to the lack of equipment.
Highlights Technical Visit to Liberia (A-09) E-learning MSI experimentation (P-06) HydroMAOC definition study (P-01) 2017 CBWP proposals
Technical Visit to Liberia (fev 16) Visit initially included in 2014 CBWP and planned in December 2014. Unfortunately, the development of the Ebola outbreak (2nd semester of 2014) led to the decision to postpone the visit in early November 2014. The visit was rescheduled in the 2015 CBWP. The IHB reinitiated contact with LiMA in September 2015 and this led to the re-planning of the visit in early February 2016. Visiting Team: IHB (G. Bessero) + UKHO (J. Bryant) Visit Report delivered in April 2016 to IHB (cc RCBC)
E-learning MSI experimentation (P-06) An e-learning course is not just the distribution of a “residential” course on Internet. So far, few or no study had been made on how e-learning could improve the access to hydrographic knowledge for the benefit of coastal States needing it. The purpose of that initiative: develop distance learning resources of the IHO MSI 3 days-course experiment the MOOC through a guided pilot session. Expected Delivery Date: First version to be presented at WWNWS in Alesund (September 2016) Pilot guided session to be set up in November (60 hours - 4 weeks)
HydroMAOC definition study (P-01) (Full presentation to be provided at CBSC14 –Item 6) ANALYSIS EAtHC Archives SWOT Visits, interviews REGIONAL HYDRO CAPABILITY BUILD-UP Education & training Equipment & Maintenance Organization & Governance IMPLEMENTATION Roadmap/Action plan Implementation Strategies Fundraising Recommendations REGIONAL CB PROGRAMME Final reporting at EAtHC14 Total expense: 33 425 € (40 000€) HydroMAOC CBSC14 UAE – May 2016
2017 CBWP & 3-y Work Plan 2017 CB submissions for EAtHC Technical Visit to Gambia MSI E-learning guided sessions (EN/FR) HydroMAOC follow-up: Implementation and fundraising MOOC development: Field operator in hydrography EAtHC 3 years work plan related to HydroMAOC definition study (CBSC14-6 item)
The CBSC in invited to Take note of that report Consider widenning the CB Phase 1 scope to other awareness thematic course: maritime boundaries, marine GIS applications, survey specification, …