Summary of 2004 Summer Workshop in Toronto Bruce Zvaniga, P.Eng. Acting Director, Traffic Management Centre
Signal Coordination Issues Obstacles to Good Coordination Multi-modal competing/conflicting demands Some techniques to address these demands Resonant cycle lengths Discussion on research needs
Reality Check
Why Coordination isn’t Easy
Denney’s Word of Wisdom
Competing Demands We No Longer Just Move Cars
Good Old Days-Simpler Times?
Who Wins? Different Modes have different optimal signal timing parameters Pedestrians want the shortest waiting time possible (short cycle lengths) Protected left turn phases require longer cycle lengths Transit vehicles move more slowly between signalized intersections than general traffic
Cycle Time Selection Methods
Resonant Cycle Lengths
Potential Benefits
Will ITS Solve This?
Research Needs Need for fundamental research on multi-modal control Need clearly defined objectives – and need to communicate these in “easy to understand language” to the public and political decision-makers Need to define operating resource requirements to support good signal timing
National Report Card