Human Resource Planning Systematic process of matching internal and external supply of people with job openings anticipated in the organization over a specified period of time
Human Resource Planning Process External Environment Internal Environment Strategic Planning Human Resource Planning Forecasting Human Resource Requirements Comparing Requirements and Availability Forecasting Human Resource Availability Demand = Supply Surplus of Workers Shortage of Workers Restricted Hiring, Reduced Hours, Early Retirement, Layoffs, Downsizing Recruitment No Action Selection
Definitions Requirements forecast - Determining number, skill, and location of employees organization will need at future dates in order to meet goals Availability forecast - Determination of whether firm will be able to secure employees with necessary skills, and from what sources
Forecasting Human Resource Requirements Zero-based forecasting - Uses current level as starting point for determining future staffing needs Bottom-up approach - Each level of organization, starting with lowest, forecasts its requirements to provide aggregate of employment needs.
Forecasting Human Resource Requirements (Cont.) Relationship between Volume of Sales and Number of Workers Required Simulation Models - Simulation is a forecasting technique for experimenting with real-world situation through mathematical model representing that situation. A model is abstraction of the real world.