Functional Hierarchical Model
Functional Hierarchy Most Abstract Level of detail Describes basic concepts present in a business Usually done Enterprise-wide Usually a component of an Information Systems Strategic Plan (ISP) or other multi-project effort Organizationally, technologically, and time independent
Functions An activity performed in the enterprise that occur at all times. They do not have an identifiable start or stop. Functions are expressed as nouns (Sales Management, Human Resource Mgt) Functions have a label and a definition (Order Management: The activities involved in taking orders, confirming stock quantities, and fulfilling orders.) Functions are shown as boxes in the Function Hierarchy.
General Modelling Standards An object has one and only one meaning An object is defined immediately upon creation Logical objects are defined independently of organizational constraints, implementation targets, and technology issues Abbreviations are standardized
Definitions Describe what activities are being done, not who uses it or when, why, where, or how it’s used. Generally have the format of The activities involved in … Describe the meaning of the object, not the term used to label that object.
Function Standards All UPPERCASE names Noun-based names Unique names, Unique meanings No special characters Minimize abbreviations Reusable across projects
Functions Examples: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, CUSTOMER RELATION MANAGEMENT, etc. Functions go on as long as the business goes on. Functions can be decomposed into other Functions or into Processes
Functions Functions are organizationally independent, but they may share the name of a division or department. A box with the same name on a Functional Hierarchy does not have the same meaning as a box on an Organization Chart with the same name.
Functions vs. Organizational Titles Is not the same as …..
Functions vs. Organizational Titles Organization roles DO come in to play when mapping responsibilities to Functions and Processes.
Sample Functional Hierarchy Model
Sample Functional Hierarchy Model with rocesses
Decomposition Each break down of a Function into other functions is called decomposition. Each decomposition is a parent/child(ren) relationship. A decomposition should completely exhaust the parent.