Jeopardy Hosted by Ms. Mohabir
Animals Types Animal Needs Animals Change Animal Lingo 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500
This group of animals live both on land and in the water. What are amphibians? This group of animals live both on land and in the water. Row 1, Col 1
What are air, water, and food? Animals need these three things to survive. 1,2
Who do baby animals grow to look like? Who are their parents? Who do baby animals grow to look like? 1,3
used to describe an animal What is a predator? This is the name used to describe an animal that stalks a prey? 1,4
A butterfly fish is an example of What are fish? A butterfly fish is an example of this animal group. 2,1
A safe place an animal lives in What is a shelter? A safe place an animal lives in is called this. 2,2
The caterpillar eats and eats What is the larva stage? The caterpillar eats and eats during this stage. 2,3
An animal that hunts another animal for food is called this. What is a predator? An animal that hunts another animal for food is called this. 2,4
An owl, a penguin and a pigeon What are birds? An owl, a penguin and a pigeon belong to this group. 3,1
lungs or gills to breathe in this. What is oxygen? Animals use body parts called lungs or gills to breathe in this. 3,2
The stages an animal goes through during its life is called this. What is its life cycle? The stages an animal goes through during its life is called this. 3,3
This shows how one living thing gets energy from another What is a food chain? This shows how one living thing gets energy from another living thing. 3,4
This animal group is known for having scaly skin and laying What are reptiles? This animal group is known for having scaly skin and laying eggs. 4,1
Giraffes eat leaves for this. What is energy? Giraffes eat leaves for this. 4,2
Put these stages of a butterfly’s butterfly, larva, egg, pupa What is: egg, larva, pupa and butterfly? Put these stages of a butterfly’s life in the order: butterfly, larva, egg, pupa 4,3
An animal that is being hunted What is prey? An animal that is being hunted is called this. 4,4
An animal that has either hair or fur and breathes with lungs. What are mammals? An animal that has either hair or fur and breathes with lungs. 5,1
Fish also get oxygen from this. What is water? Fish also get oxygen from this. 5,2
Put these stages of a chickens life What is egg, chick and chicken? Put these stages of a chickens life in order: chicken, egg, and chick. 5,3
Scientists ________ when they put animals in groups What is classify? Scientists ________ when they put animals in groups that shows how they are alike and how they are different. 5,4