Career Colleges Ontario Employer Relations Career Colleges Ontario
Career College Employer Partners Perception Prioritization Professionalism
Perception Myth or reality? Break the myth for good Employers need education too Proof is in the pudding
Prioritization Needs vs. needs Free of charge has no value in the end Constant communication Make it a priority
Professionalism Campus staff Students/Graduates It is all about the prep Customer service focused
Customer Service Needs Assessment Hear what is communicated, be in the conversation Attention to detail What would you want as a customer?
Lead Management Take a very personal approach Follow up, follow up, follow up Treat it like gold if you want to mine more See it through to the very end
Employer Satisfaction Always check back in Ask for feedback Review with campus staff Build a trust relationship
Employer Development Action Plan Generate the lead Assess the employers needs Give a timeline Source your talent Monitor the process Repeat steps as needed Close the deal whenever possible Routine touchback