Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction FOUNDATION SYSTEMS Foundation wall supports the building and carries its weight to the ground. Floor slab supports is the unfinished floor normally found in the basement of a home. In the example above, what material are all these items constructed from? Concrete Foundation walls, footings, and floor slabs are normally made of Reinforced Concrete (concrete imbedded with steel rebars). Footings support the weight of the entire building.
FOUNDATION SYSTEMS Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction FOUNDATION SYSTEMS Example of construction workers pouring the concrete foundation for a building.
FOUNDATION SYSTEMS Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction FOUNDATION SYSTEMS Workers create forms to pour the concrete foundation (footing).
FOUNDATION SYSTEMS Column Foundation Wall Foundation Pier Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction FOUNDATION SYSTEMS Column Foundation Wall Foundation Pier Workers create forms to pour the concrete foundation (footing). Foundation Wall Footing
FOUNDATION SYSTEMS Slab-on-Grade Foundation Foundation Wall Floor Slab Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction FOUNDATION SYSTEMS Slab-on-Grade Foundation Foundation Wall Floor Slab Thickened Slab
Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction FOUNDATION SYSTEMS When designing building foundations, the frost line (depth in which groundwater freezes) should be taken into account. Frost line varies based on climate. The further north you are located, the colder the temperatures which in turn means the deeper the frost depth.
Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction FOUNDATION SYSTEMS Drainage fill is a mixture of dirt and small stones (gravel) to help drain water away from a building. Perimeter drain tile is a perforated tube used around the perimeter of the building’s foundation to drain water from the soil. In the example above, what material are all these items constructed from? Concrete
FOUNDATION SYSTEMS Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction FOUNDATION SYSTEMS Most homes with basements have a sump pump to remove ground water from the building foundation.
Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction FOUNDATION SYSTEMS Compacted fill is a mixture of dirt that has air spaces reduced due to compression. This is also dirt. However the soil has not been disturbed by construction.
IDENTIFY THESE ELEMENTS Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction IDENTIFY THESE ELEMENTS 1 2 3 Beam Foundation Wall (made from CMU-Concrete Masonry Units Column
IDENTIFY THESE ELEMENTS Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction IDENTIFY THESE ELEMENTS 4 4. Joists 5. Studs 5
IDENTIFY THESE ELEMENTS Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction IDENTIFY THESE ELEMENTS 6 7 6. Insulation 7. Sill Plate
IDENTIFY THESE ELEMENTS Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction IDENTIFY THESE ELEMENTS 8 8. Header
IDENTIFY THESE ELEMENTS Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction IDENTIFY THESE ELEMENTS 10 9. Pier 10. Joist 9
IDENTIFY THESE ITEMS 13 12 11 Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction IDENTIFY THESE ITEMS 13 12 11 11. Trusses 12. Sheathing 13. Felt Paper or Underlayment
IDENTIFY THESE ITEMS 14 Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction IDENTIFY THESE ITEMS 14 14. Vapor Barrier
Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction Drill: What is the frost depth in Texas according to the map? What type of foundation would you use and why? Frost line varies based on climate. The further north you are located, the colder the temperatures which in turn means the deeper the frost depth. Foundation wall or Slab on Grade?
IDENTIFY THESE ELEMENTS Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction IDENTIFY THESE ELEMENTS 1. Beam 2. Foundation Wall 3. Column Beam Foundation Wall (made from CMU-Concrete Masonry Units Column
IDENTIFY THESE ELEMENTS Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction IDENTIFY THESE ELEMENTS 4. Joists 4. Joists 5. Studs 5. Studs
IDENTIFY THESE ELEMENTS Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction IDENTIFY THESE ELEMENTS 6. Insulation 7. Sill Plate 6. Insulation 7. Sill Plate
IDENTIFY THESE ELEMENTS Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction IDENTIFY THESE ELEMENTS 8. Header 8. Header
IDENTIFY THESE ELEMENTS Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction IDENTIFY THESE ELEMENTS 10. Joist 9. Pier 10. Joist 9. Pier
IDENTIFY THESE ITEMS 13. Sheathing 12. Roof Felt or Underlayment Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction IDENTIFY THESE ITEMS 13. Sheathing 12. Roof Felt or Underlayment 11. Truss 12. Sheathing 13. Felt Paper or Underlayment 14. Vapor Barrier 11. Truss
IDENTIFY THESE ITEMS 14. Vapor Barrier Wood Frame Systems Civil Engineering and Architecture® Unit 2 – Lesson 2.1 – Building Design and Construction IDENTIFY THESE ITEMS 14. Vapor Barrier 14. Vapor Barrier