Team #2: Staff BSEE Andy Panos Brian Truttmann Kevin Ristow Bob Alexander
Team #2: Expertise & Experience Expertise: Digital: VHDL, Microprocessors Analog: Filtering, Power Supplies Experience: 2 Years full-time/part-time @ GE Healthcare Expertise: Analog: Filters/PSPICE Experience: Currently enrolled in training classes at FVTC for PLC’s Expertise: Digital/ Analog design Experience: 8 years as an Avionics technician, aircraft system trouble shooting, component level repair, aircraft wiring Expertise: Digital design, VHDL, Microprocessors Experience: Automotive wiring and aftermarket electronics. Andy Panos Brian Truttmann Bob Alexander Kevin Ristow
Team #2: Weekly Availability Worksheet Time 1: Mon. 8AM – 2PM Time 2: Wed. 8AM-2PM Time 3: Sat. 10AM – 5PM Time 4: Sun 10AM-5PM Time 1: Tue. 9AM – 1PMTime 2: Wed. 8AM – 12PM Time 3:Sat. 10AM – 5PM Time 4: Sun. 10AM – 5PM Time 1:Tue anytime Time 2: Thurs anytime Time 3:Mon 11:00am – 2pm Time 4: Wed 11:00am-2pm Time 1: Mon 8AM – 3PM Time 2:Mon 7PM – 12AM Time 3:Wen 8AM – 3PM Time 4: Wen 7PM – 12PM Time 5: Tue 11AM – 2PM Andy Panos Brian Truttmann Bob Alexander Kevin Ristow
Team #2: Weekly Project Meeting Plan Weekly Meeting: - When: Occurs every Wednesday from 12PM to 2PM - Where: 3rd Floor Computer Lab - Required Attendees: Andy Panos, Kevin Ristow, Robert Alexander, Brian Truttmann - Agenda: Weekly issues, tasks to be assigned, planning and brainstorming Emergency Meeting: - When: Sunday nights when necessary - Where: TBD Note: Meeting Owners Send Weekly Email Notices, Record Business-Issues-Actions, Keep Weekly Attendance Records
Team #2: Total Resources 200 man-hours per person. Total of 800 man-hours based on an individual contribution of 13 to 14 hours a week $500 or key part availability for material and prototyping with a equal contribution of $125 per person
Team #2: Decision Making Our team will make decisions based on a consensus. If teams cannot make effective decisions according to their agreed upon guideline, they may appeal to their Lab Assistant and upwards to the Prof/Lect The Prof/Lect has the final call on any team decision
Roles to Define & Assign Lead Project Integrator (LPI): Andy Panos Lead System Designer (LSD): Brian Truttmann Lead Presentation Manager (LPM): Bob Alexander Lead Report Manager (LRM): Bob Alexander Lead Manufacturing Manager (LMM): Kevin Ristow
Project Idea 1 This design will consist of vehicle proximity sensing with a display which will provide feedback to the operator. Features Sensors will be used to detect objects in the blind spots of a moving vehicle Parking features will allow vehicle to be parked without hitting any objects A garage mode will allow the driver to park in their desired location in the garage with ease Audio alerts will also be offered in assistance with blind spot detection as well as parking Main power source will be the vehicles power supply, which will be regulated. It is a good fit for the team given the digital background of the team.
Project 1 Block Diagram Voltage Regulator Display User Interface Power Regulated to meet requirements Display User Interface Audio alert: enable/disable Processor Perimeter Sensors Parking Sensors
Project Idea 2 Home monitoring system Features Monitors fire, flood, carbon monoxide. External monitoring of house. Visual and audio alarms. Home security system Backup power supply Main power supply from houses utility run through a regulator. Also separate emergency backup power supply. This would be good for our team, because of our digital background and it will also allow us to explore power design applications.
Project 2 Block Diagram Voltage Regulator Backup Power House Alarms Power Regulated to meet requirements Backup Power Backup source when main power is down House Alarms Processor Temp Sensor External Monitoring Service Flood Sensor Forced Entry Sensor
Project 3 Energy Monitor Monitor use of gas, water and electricity Display current use, estimated cost for the month/year. Compare to last years values. Interface with thermostat to allow automatic control of HAVC system. Sensors Water Gas Hooked up to control/display wirelessly (RF)
Project 3 Block Diagram RF Transmitter Receiver Processor Water Flow Sensor Display Key Pad Gas Flow AC to DC Converter Thermostat Interface Electricity Interface Or Sensor
Project 4 Wireless Home Entry and Illumination Device Allows the user to remotely unlock a single home entry door, while also allowing the person to light specific areas within the house before entry. Panic button with audible alarm and strobes allows an eye catching display of sight and sound to attract the attention of neighbors in the event of an emergency situation. Key pad entry also included with this system if the wireless remote is not readily available. A standard key entry will also be present in the event that the wireless system does not properly function.
Project 4 Block Diagram User interface Transmitter Receiver Control Box Battery Power supply Power Converter Key Pad Outputs (alarm & strobes) (door lock/ unlock)
Determining a Design Project 5 point scale 5 – Definitely meets design requirements 4 – Probably meets design requirements 3 – Might meet design requirements 2 – Needs to be improved to meet design requirements 1 – Can’t meet design requirements
Project 1 (Vehicle Sensing) Market Demand: 5 Differentiating performance requirements: 3 Utilizing Team expertise: 3 Verifiable Requirements: 4 Not dependent on technology inventions: 4 Components have reasonable lead times: U/D Reasonably prototyped: 3
Project 1 cont. Logical and Concise block diagrams: 4 1 Design Block per person: 2 Different from previous design projects: 4 Ease of implementation: 3
Project 2 (Home Monitoring) Market Demand: 4 Differentiating performance requirements: 2 Utilizing Team expertise: 3 Verifiable Requirements: 4 Not dependent on technology inventions: 4 Components have reasonable lead times: U/D Reasonably prototyped: 4
Project 2 cont. Logical and Concise block diagrams: 4 1 Design Block per person: 3 Different from previous design projects: 2 Ease of implementation: 4
Project 3 (Utility Monitoring) Market Demand: 3 Differentiating performance requirements: 4 Utilizing Team expertise: 4 Verifiable Requirements: 4 Not dependent on technology inventions: 4 Components have reasonable lead times: N/D Reasonably prototyped: 3
Project 3 cont. Logical and Concise block diagrams: 4 1 Design Block per person: 3 Different from previous design projects: 4 Ease of implementation: 3
Project 4 (Keyless Entry to Home) Market Demand: 3 Differentiating performance requirements: 4 Utilizing Team expertise: 2 Verifiable Requirements: 4 Not dependent on technology inventions: 3 Components have reasonable lead times: N/D Reasonably prototyped: 4
Project 4 cont. Logical and Concise block diagrams: 4 1 Design Block per person: 3 Different from previous design projects: 4 Ease of implementation: 2
Design Project Rating Results Project 1 Automotive Sensing: 35 Project 2 Home Security: 34 Project 3 Utility Monitoring: 36 Project 4 Keyless Entry to Home: 35
Selection Process Home Security system is similar to existing design project and will not be considered Keyless entry and illumination project involves wireless technology, this is not an area anyone in our group is familiar with Utility monitoring is good project that would utilize our skills. We would need to think of additional features if we were going to use it Automotive sensing is the project we are going to work on.
Justification This project was unanimously decided on by the team This project would provide enough work for the entire team This project was unique compared to previous design projects This project would require a lot of digital design which is a strong point of the team The only known risk of this project is finding sensors that are within our budget, short enough lead times, and have the sensing technology required to achieve the desired task
Automotive Sensing Design Features This product will detect objects present in the vehicle’s blind spot. Our project will also provide additional features: Precision garage parking Parallel parking assistance Vehicle display will alert the user of the presence of objects and identify their distance to the vehicle. Audible alerts will be present so the driver does not need to constantly look at the display.
Benefits to User Improves driver awareness of vehicle on the road Reduces collisions while driving and parking Allows for precision garage parking
Intended Market Automotive application This design would compete with existing products providing parallel parking assistance and garage parking assistance This product would incorporate garage parking assistance, street parking, and blind spot detection. Very few, if any, products that all these features in a single package.
Automotive Sensing Block Diagram Display Power Power Supply 1 Display 6 Vehicle Power Processor Power Parking Assistance/Blind spot detection Sensor Power (DC) Control Power Sensor Data Microcontroller 4 Controls 2 Distance Sensors 3 160V pk to pk Audio Alarm Audio On/Off Andy Panos Audio Alerts 5 Speaker Power Kevin Ristow User Interface 7 Interface Power Robert Alexander Brian Truttmann
System Std Reqs:Market and Business Case Requirement Definition Competitors Leadway Technology, Valeo Model No. LY868-6 (Leadway Technology) Market Size 527 Million Average List Price $250.00 Market Geography World wide Market Demography males/females who are of legal driving age Intended Application Automotive Material Cost $100.00 Manufacturing Cost $50.00 Annual Volume 12,000 ( Competitor Product –Valeo)
System – Std Reqs: Env & Safety Requirement Units to Specify Min Oper Temp Range -10 ºC 40 ºC Min Oper Humidity Range 0% 90% Min Oper Alt or Press Range 0 2500 Meters Min Storage Temp Range -20 oC 55 oC Min Storage Humidity Range 0% 100% Min Storage Alt or Press Range 0 2500 Meters Max Storage Duration 2 Years Primary EMC Standards Primary Safety Standards
System – Std Reqs: Power Interfaces Requirement Units to Specify Energy Source List Automotive Battery Source Connection List Permanent Min Oper Voltage Range 10 - 16 VDC Max Power Consumption 6W Max Energy Consumption Does not apply
System – Std Reqs: Mechanical Requirement Units to Specify Max Volume 785 cm3 Shipping Container Size 25 x 20 x 15 cm Max Mass 2.5Kg Elec I/F Connectors Ribbon, Mate-N-Lok Max # of PC Bds 5 Max PCB Circuit Area 130 cm2 Max Shock
System – Std Reqs: Mfg & Life Cycle Requirement Units to Specify Max Parts Count 100 parts Max Unique Parts Count 14 parts Parts/Mat $ Allocation $200 Asm/Test $ Allocation $200 Product Life, Reliability 5 Years Full Warranty Period 1 Year Product Disposition Recycle Production Life Support 10 Years Service Strategy Factory Repair
System – Perf Reqs: Modes of Operation Requirement Definition Power Modes ON/OFF Calibration Mode Programs distances for garage parking mode Service Mode Checks proper operation of sensors Operating Modes Driving Mode, Parallel Parking Mode Garage Parking Mode
System –Perf Reqs: Operator I/F Inputs/Outputs Requirement Definition Optical Indicators, Lights Green and Red LEDs Display Type Graphical LCD Display Char Matrix TBD Display Size 16cm x 11cm Display Illumination LED Switch Momentary push
System –Perf Reqs: Mech Interfaces Requirement Definition Mounting sensor: snap in place LCD: bracket Processor: Feet Sensory Temperature: 0 ºC 40 ºC Distance: 0.2m 1.5m Precision: 0.02m Connectors Ribbon, mate n lock
Technical Risks & Problem Areas Implementing Sensors that will allow distance detection of objects. Prototype demonstration of design Operation in special environmental conditions; external components need to be waterproof.
Applicable Patents Patent No. Description 6,950,733 Method of controlling an external object sensor for an automotive vehicle. 6,823,244 Vehicle part control system including electronic sensors 6,970,101 Parking guidance method and system
Block Diagram Description Block Name Owner Brief Description Of Block Function Power Interfaces Digital Analog 1 Power Supply Andy Panos Converts Vehicle Power to DC power. Generates PWM signals for sensors. In: 11-16V DC Out: 3VDC, 5VDC, 160V pk to pk None 2 Controls Robert Alexander Takes in PWM and creates the input for the sensors. Takes the output of the sensors and amplifies and filters before sending to the processor. In: Vdd Out: PWM, 1 60Vpp In: PWM Out: PWM 3 Distance Sensors Send and receive ultrasonic signal at 40kHz in order to detect objects In: 160Vpp Out: 4 Microcontroller Kevin Ristow Performs computations for distance, Interfaces with controls, user interface, display, creates PWM signal. In: PWM, data bus Out: PWM, data bus, Pulse signal 5 Audio Alerts Informs the user of how close they are to an object, or if an object is present by audio alerts. In: Pulse signal Out: Audio Tones 6 Display Brian Truttmann Visually show the user what is going on, alerts, warnings, mode. In: Vdd, In: Data bus 7 User Interface Allows the user to turn the unit on and off, program garage mode1 and 2, switch modes. Out: Data bus