WFP: “Greening” inside and out Integrating in-house and programmatic action on environmental sustainability Georgina Stickels, 7 June 2017
Agenda Overview: Interagency action through the UN-EMG Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework IMG on Environmental Sustainability: EMS Pilot Drivers for unifying action on inhouse and programmatic environmental response WFP Environmental Policy 2017 Environmental Screening in Emergencies Questions Plug the proposed simulation at the February EB at setp 6
Overview: UN-EMG Environment Management Group ( Established 2001 (GA Res. 53/242) System-wide coordination body on human settlements and environment Membership: specialized agencies, programmes and organs of the UN system, including MLA Secretariats Chaired by ED UN Environment, secretariat in Geneva Reports through HLCM Key driver of UN action for inhouse environmental sustainability management and, increasingly, programmatic considerations, incl SDGs integration
Interagency action through EMG Key initiatives: Consultative process – Framework for Environmental and Social Sustainability in the UN System Issues Management Group: Environmental Sustainability Management System-wide Framework of Strategies on Environment Other work: IMGs on E-waste, Chemicals, Biodiversity, Drylands; Green & Inclusive Economy; Environmental Peer Review; Emerging ‘nexus’ issue: environment in humanitarian action – links to JEU SDGs image needed here
Framework for ESS
IMG on Environmental Sustainability Established 2007 to support UN entities mainstream inhouse environmental sustainability: GHGs/energy, waste, water, staff training Supported by Sustainable UN facility, UN Environment Climate Neutral Initiative Greening the Blue website 2013 HLCM business case for EMS in line with ISO 14001 2015-2017 EMS Pilot JULIE do we keep this one??? Photo credits: 1. Credit: Alamy via The Guardian , sourced from: accessed 8-8-16 2. Source: Unilever (permission probably required) accessed 8/8/2016 2.
WFP: Drivers for unifying action Funding requirements: GCF, GEF, Individual member states/donors Increased calls for accountability/ efficient use of resources UN-SG call for a Climate Neutral UN by 2020, for UN bodies to ‘walk the talk’ Sustainable Development Goals Increased recognition of environmental impacts from refugee/IDP camps Environmental incidents: Darfur, Afghanistan, Haiti, Sri Lanka
WFP Environmental Policy 2017 Aligned with SDGs: “Achieving food security and ending hunger require healthy natural ecosystems and sustainable use of natural resources.” Objectives: Align WFP actions with global environmental standards Improve environmental sustainability, resource efficiency and quality of WFP outcomes Protect the environment Recognises that our obligations apply to emergency response/ humanitarian contexts, development and our own operations 3 tools: Environmental (and social) sustainability standards Environmental screening for ‘new’ activities (safeguards) EMS in line with ISO 14001:2015 for ‘ongoing’ activities Aligned with SDGs:
WFP Environmental Policy 2017 (2) The line between inhouse and programme increasingly blurred Business continuity links Humanitarians Operating in environments with no infrastructure We al need safe water and sanitation Sustainable options for managing waste Reliable energy supplies Potential for technology transfer
Env. Screening in Emergencies Rapid screening – simplified checklist Seeks to identify ‘immediate or irreversible’ risks Complemented by SOPs built into preparedness action, aiming to ‘design out’ likely risks Continuous improvement via ‘Lessons learned’ processes Examples Food basket composition/ impacts for cooking & firewood depletion Packaging of food stocks Decisions regarding prepositioning and shipment Site selection for premises (proximity to sensitive geography) Decisions on support infrastructure (waste sites, water sources) Read screening guidelines and work out bullets for this slide.
Climate and Disaster Risk Reduction Programmes unit (OSZIR) Environmental Sustainability unit (in RMMI) 31 August 2016