Chapter 2. Turfgrass species
1. Cool-season grasses ★ general Characteristics : Usually long-day plants requiring cool nights and vernalization mostly adapted to temperate and subarctic but sometimes in subtropical - C3 plants - Festucoideae subfamily - 3 tribes ; Festuceae, Aveneae and Triticeae
Fescues - 6 species out of approximately 100 species Coarse fescues : Tall fescue, Medow fescue Fine fescues : Creeping red fescue, Chewings fescue, Sheep fescue, Hard fescue
A-1. Tall fescue (Festuca arundinaceae Schreb) a. general characteristics : coarse-textured, bunch-type grass, seeded type b. description : rolled vernation, membranous ligule(0.4-1.2mm long), short blunt auricle, broad divided collar blade(5-10mm wide), contracted panicle c. adaptation and use : utility turf with heat and drouth stress tolerance New cultivars with finer texture are developed d. cultivars : Kentucky-31, Rebel, Olympic, Mustang Falcon, Arid : National turfgrass evaluation program e. cultural intensity : Low to medium Mowing range ; above 35 mm (60 - 90 mm optimum) Fertilization : 5- 15gN/m2/year Seeding rate : 20 - 30g/m2
A-2. Medow fescue (Festuca elatior L. or F. pratensis Huds) a. general characteristics : similar to tall fescue b. description : rolled vernation, membranous truncate ligule(0.2-0.5mm long) short blunt auricle, broad continuous collar blade(3-8mm wide), contracted panicle c. adaptation and use : similar to tall fescue, less persistent under drouth and heat more widely used in Europe d. cultivars : Beaumont e. cultural intensity : similar to tall fescue
A-3. Fine fescues (Festuca spp) a. general characteristics : High shade tolerance, fine texture, b. general use : shade condition as mixture, utility turf c. species and descriptions - Creeping red fescure (Festuca rubra) : folded, truncate (0.5mm), no auricle, narrow collar, panicle - Cewings fescue (Festuca rubra commutata) : same as CRF - Sheep fescue (Festuca ovina) : folded, truncate (0.3mm), no auricle, divided broad collar, panicle - Hard fescue (Festuca longifolia) : similar to Sheep fescue
d. adaptation and use : - utility turf with less intensive care : Sheep and Hard fescue Sheep fescue is most drouth hardy, acid soil tolerant and low fertility adapted Creeping red fescue and chewings fescue : higher quality with density, less stress and disease hardiness - NTEP fine fescues e. cultural intensity : medium to low mowing range : 40 - 50 mm Fertilization : 5- 10gN/m2/year Seeding rate : 20 - 30g/m2
B. Bluegrasses - 4 species out of over 200 species - most widely used cool-season grass boat-shaped leaf tip Kentucky bluegrass, Rough bluegrass, Canada bluegrass, Annual bluegrass
B-1. Kentucky bluegrass (Poa prantensis L) a. general characteristics : rhizomatous species, Queen of the grass, high quality with low heat and drouth tolerance apomictic species - minimum variation through generations b. description : folded vernation, truncate ligule(0.2-0.6mm long), no auricle, broad divided collar, blade(2-4mm wide), panicle c. adaptation and use : Most widely used throughout subarctic and temperate, well-drained, moist, and fertile soil lawns, golf, athletic fields and other gerneral purpose d. cultivars : Adelphi, Baron, Midnight etc (NTEP) e. cultural intensity : medium to high Mowing range ; 20 - 60 mm (30 - 40 mm optimum) Fertilization : 10- 25gN/m2/year Seeding rate : 5 - 10g/m2
B-2. Rough bluegrass (Poa trivialis L) a. general characteristics : stoloniferous species, yellow-green, alternative species for damp or moist condition, low quality with poor heat and drouth tolerance overseeding species to warmseason grass b. description : folded vernation, acute or pointed ligule(2-6mm long), no auricle, broad divided collar, blade(1-4mm wide), panicle c. adaptation and use : utility turf for wet area d. cultivars : Sabre etc (NTEP) e. cultural intensity : low to medium Mowing range ; 12 - 25 mm Fertilization : 10- 15gN/m2/year Seeding rate : 5 - 10g/m2 Irrigation necessary
B-3. Canada bluegrass (Poa compressa L) a. general characteristics : weekly rhizomatous species, bluish-green, very low quality, soil stabilizing utility turf b. description : folded vernation, truncate ligule(0.2-1.2mm long), no auricle, narrow divided collar, blade(1-3mm wide), panicle c. adaptation and use : utility turf d. cultivars : Canon etc e. cultural intensity : very low
B-4. Annual bluegrass (Poa annua L) a. general characteristics : bunch-type or weekly rhizomatous species, high quality green in subarctic climate, otherwise winter weed b. description : folded vernation, pointed or acute(0.8-3mm long), no auricle, broad divided collar, blade(1-3mm wide), panicle c. adaptation and use : greens in northern countries, moist well-drained cool conditions d. cultivars : common e. cultural intensity : medium to high in green condition
C. Ryegrasses - 2 species out of 10 species - Perennial ryegrass and Italian(Annual) ryegrass - Fast growing species
C-1. Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L) a. general characteristics : bunch-type species, may behave as annual, high quality with high wear tolerance, fast establishment from seed, high disease activities during wet and hot periods b. description : folded vernation, truncate to round ligule(0.5-2mm long), claw-like auricle, broad divided collar, blade(2-5mm wide) with noticeable veins and glossy abaxial(back side), spike c. adaptation and use : Most widely used in moist cool environments(Europe) well-drained, moist, and fertile soil, mixtures with Kentucky bluegrass lawns, golf, athletic fields and other general purpose overseeding species on warmseason grasses d. cultivars : Manhattan, Derby etc (NTEP) e. cultural intensity : medium to high Mowing range ; 10 - 50 mm (30 - 40 mm optimum) Fertilization : 10- 25gN/m2/year Seeding rate : 20 - 30g/m2
C-2. Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) a. general characteristics : bunch-type species, mostly as annual low quality with coarse texture, very fast establishment from seed b. description : rolled vernation, rounded ligule(0.5-2mm long), clawlike auricle, broad continuous collar blade(3-7mm wide) with noticeable veins and glossy abaxial(back side), spike with awned spikelets c. adaptation and use : similar to Perennial ryegrass but low quality and temporary purpose overseeding species on warmseason grasses d. cultivars : common e. cultural intensity : low to medium, similar to Perennial ryegrass
D. Others Smooth bromegrass : low quality at extreme conditions such as semiarid in temperate Alkaligrass : low quality at saline or alkaline soils in temperate