Unit 3—Antebellum America Mid-1800s Stuff to Know
Possible Written Response Qs Purpose of Clay’s American System and how would it work? Message of Monroe Doctrine. Summarize Missouri Compromise. Women… their involvement in reform movements, and why did they lead the charge? Describe/ Discuss mid-1800s reform movements. Importance of 2nd Great Awakening on social change in America? What is an American (FJT), and why? Connect & discuss: Industrialization, urbanization, innovation, market revolution and societal changes.
Ch 7—Nationalism & Sectionalism Docs: Essay-Andy Jackson Impact and Legacy Antebellum Period Pres. Monroe Monroe Doctrine Era of Good Feelings Nationalism v. Sectionalism Differences (Econ/Soc) between North and South The American System Internal Improvements Industrialization of America Whitney (interchangeable parts) Samuel Slater Lowell System Purpose of protective tariffs Ongoing problem w/ west expan. Missouri Compromise Age of Jackson Jacksonian Democracy Jackson Bio/ Character Spoils system Democrat party Populism (yea, yea!) Indian Removal Act (TofTs) Civilized Tribes (assimilation) Tariff of Abominations (southern response) JC Calhoun & Doctrine of Nullification
Ch 8—Reforming American Society Docs: Dec. of Sentiments, Fred.Douglass 4 July Speech Big Reform Movements of 1800s (Abolition, Temperance, Women’s Rights, Ed. Reform, Prison/ Mentally Ill Reform, Industrial Reform (Working Conditions) 2 Sparks that initiated much reform (2nd Grt Awakening and Transcendentalism) Significant People (Reformers) Charles Finney, Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Beecher Stowe, John Brown, Nat Turner, Quakers, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Sojourner Truth, Dorothea Dix Burned-Over District Suffrage Coverture Beginning of Unions & Principle of Unions Republican Motherhood & Cult of Domesticity
Ch 9—Innovation, Expansion, & Disunion Docs: FJT’s Frontier Thesis Market Revolution Connection between Industrialization, Urbanization, Transportation, & Mkt. changes Capitalism (defn, +s, -s) Factors of Production New innovations of mid-1800s, people responsible, & impact (Morse, Goodyear, Deere, McCormick, Singer, Cooper/ Vanderbilt, Fulton) Manifest Destiny (John O’Sullivan) Frederick Jackson Turner’s Frontier Thesis Why did Mexico invite Americans… why did Americans go (to province of Texas)? Moses and Stephen Austin Pres.Polk Emprasarios Why did the Mexican-Texan relationship sour? The Texas Revolution Santa Anna The Alamo San Jacinto Lone Star Republic Statehood for Texas????? Mex-Amer War (Why? Highlights!) Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Wilmot Proviso 1849/ CALI/ GR/ statehood? Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, &LDSs