AGCOM test data sets (status 31 May 2016) European Commission’s project “Mapping of Broadband Service in Europe
Datasets provided by Agcom for fixed Internet QoS Agcom’s initiative MisuraInternet collects practice optimal measured via probes data set category like QoS-2 and practice experienced data sets category like QoS-3; all results show the comparison of offered to measured services. For the experimental phase Agcom provided 2 kinds of datasets for fixed Internet QoS: QoS-2: fixed QoS measured by regional probes of the MisuraInternet Project. The spatial resolution of QoS-2 primary data is at the regional area level (21 regions). QoS-3: fixed QoS measured by users of MisuraInternet Speed Test software. As from the end of May 2016, a new version of the speed test is available, allowing to measure not only ADSL line performance, but also VDSL2 line performance (up to 100 Mbit/s). The spatial resolution of QoS-3 primary data is at the municipal area level (about 8000 municipalities).
QoS-2 Dataset: strength points The peculiarity of our data set category like QoS-2 is that all collected data are obtained by test lines, which are located in government buildings and all the lines under test have the same physical characteristics for each operator, in terms of length, quality of copper, path. Such a set-up guarantees that measures are carried out in the most likely conditions, according to the average length of the Italian users local loop and cross-talk mean value. We can assume that all obtained results could represent the real network performances of each operator because of measures are not influenced by the single user access network characteristics.
QoS-3 or QoS-2 Dataset? Speed Test software is capable to detect if measures are affected or not by the “home environment”, since it checks if some conditions are present or not Hence, speed test data, which so far are QoS-3, in future could easily become QOS-2 data (i.e. measured via crowdsourcing applications with filter excluding user’s environment), just blocking the measurements if one of the conditions is not fulfilled. In particular as far as end user is concerned, Speed Test software checks and informs the users of the following conditions: if only the user PC, that is involved in the measure, is connected to the LAN; If the “spurious” traffic, i.e. the traffic that does not belong to the measured PC, is less than 10% of the PC measured traffic; if the PC is connected using a cable or with wi-fi connection; if the CPU usage is under a predetermined threshold (< 85%); if the RAM usage is under a predetermined threshold (< 95%); If the RAM size of the used PC is at least 12 Mbyte.
Major challenges Increase spatial resolution for both QoS-2 and QoS-3 For QoS-2 it could be possible to use a blocking version of Misura Internet Speed Test software, selecting a group of «trial users» (e.g. Consumer Associations) For QoS-3 a web based Speed Test could be developed. This would increase the number of users (now nearly 150.000/year) MisuraInternet softwares (Nemesys, Speed Test) were peculiarly designed to offer users a possible solution to connection problems The current measurement results could be polarized and could underrepresent the actual QoS A web based Speed Test could help to «depolarize» the measurements
Collection of BB Mobile QoS test data 2016 BB Mobile QoS Test Scenario According to MisuraInternetMobile project requirements, 2 drive test campaigns, testing all available mobile networks up to 4G in 10 big cities and up to 3G in 30 medium cities. Suitable collection and aggregation of the test result data of the 10 big cities is useful for current early stage of EU BB mapping project (QoS-3 dataset). First campaign 2016 executed from dec. 21st 2015 until may 13rd 2016. For every visited city, a number of city places (test points) have been selected, in order to execute predefined static outdoor test suite. Following table shows cross reference between city and number of test points. City Rome Milan Naples Turin Palermo Genoa Bologna Florence Bari Verona Grand Total n. of test p. 183 129 79 70 60 38 39 41 43 42 724 For each KPI, releasing the average measured value over all available operator networks, on any single test point, will allow to match NUTS3 aggregation requirements for above metropolitan areas, representing about 14% of the whole Italy population.
Collection of BB Mobile QoS test data The KPI measured are: http download rate; http upload rate; http web browsing (time to download Keplero page); packet delay (latency); packet loss; jitter. For every test point six records are released (one per each KPI). Every record containing: name of the city; georeferencing (spatial coordinates) information of the test point; Type of KPI measured; average measured value, according to a defined numerical format.
Collection of BB Mobile QoS test data Example of records layout, with reference to the measurement at one test point city latitude longitude test KPI value Naples 40.86226167 14.33372 HTTP Browser duration 1427.08 HTTP DL_Fixed Duration throughput 28346.48 HTTP UL_Fixed Duration 17688.89 Ping packet_loss 0.05 rtt 62.39583 jitter 19.64583 (ms) (kbps) (kbps) (5%) (ms) (ms)
Collection of BB Mobile QoS test data Major challenges Starting from 2017: Increase number of cities, per campaign, from 20 to 40, increasing number of test points from 724 to 1202. Extend collection of results, in order to feed QoS-3 dataset, to dynamic measurements provided moving from a city to the next and, within the same city, from a test point to the next. Starting from 2018: Use mobile agent speed test (smartphone/tablet application, based on a software platform common to MisuraInternet web based speed test)