Looking inside the cells 10.4 Why is staining useful when studying cells through a microscope? If you had a microscope, what kinds of things do you think you could see in a cell? Why?
Prokaryotic Cells Prokaryotic cells are simple in structure, with no recognizable organelles, NO NUCLEUS!! They have an outer cell wall that gives them shape. Bacteria is an example.
Eukaryotic Cells The cells of eukaryotes (protozoa, plants and animals) are highly structured. These cells tend to be larger than the cells of bacteria, and have developed specialized packaging and transport mechanisms that may be necessary to support their larger size -
How Do the Parts of a Cell Work? Each kind of cell structure has a different and specialized function within a cell.
Parts of the cell that each carry out their own specific function Organelles Parts of the cell that each carry out their own specific function
Cell Wall It’s like a city wall! RIgid layer that surrounds the cells of plants and some organisms such as mushrooms is the Cell Wall Discovery Education Video 1:53 It’s like a city wall!
What makes a plant wilt? When plants are well hydrated the vacuoles swell with water causing “turgor pressure” – the water presses against the cell wall and makes it more rigid. (Similar to a limp balloon that will stand up straight when filled with air). When the plant is dehydrated then it must use the water stored in the vacuoles and the pressure on the cell wall decreases causing wilt.
Cell membrane (it’s like a screen) It’s like the border of a city! CAN’T GET IN What part of a cell controls which substances pass into and out of a cell? Everything a cell needs, such as food particles, water, and oxygen, enters through the cell membrane. Waste products leave the same way. The cell membrane prevents harmful materials from entering the cell. ITS HYPERLINKED!
What cells have a cell wall? Plant B. Animal C. Both Answer: Only PLANT CELLS DO What Cells have a cell membrane? Plant B. Animal C. Both C. BOTH
Nucleus • Large, oval shape • Centrally located in cell • Controls cell activities • Contains genetic information (DNA) It’s like the Mayor’s Office in City Hall! NUCLEAR ENVELOPE SURROUNDS THE NUCLEUS, IT LETS MOLECULES PASS THROUGH ITS PORES.
Chromatin Thin strands of DNA and proteins that fill the nucleus, contains information for directing a cell’s functions.
Ribosomes • Found in both plant and animal cells • Can be attached to the Endoplasmic Membrane or floating free in the Cytoplasm. • Produces proteins • The smallest organelles It’s like the brick yard that supplies a city with what it’s made of!
Cytoplasm Found in both plant and animal cells • Clear, thick, jelly-like material • Located beneath cell membrane • Supports and protects cell organelles It’s like the sidewalks that are found throughout a city!
Mitochondria Found in both plant and animal cells In what type of cells would you expect to find a lot of me? Found in both plant and animal cells • Looks like a jellybean • Breaks down sugar molecules to release usable energy • Has inner foldings (Cristae) that increase the internal surface area It’s like a city’s power plant!
Endoplasmic Reticulum Found in both plant and animal cells • Network of tubes • Transports materials throughout the cell • Two types – Smooth (no ribosomes) – Rough (covered with ribosomes) It’s like a city’s highway System! E R helps the attached ribosomes make protein.
It surrounds the nucleus
Golgi Apparatus It’s like a city’s Post Office or UPS center! • Found in both plant and animal cells • Looks like a flattened stack of membranes (or pancakes!) • Processes and packages molecules, like lipids and proteins, that were made by the cell Named for the person Who discovered it in Cells in 1898 : Camillo Golgi It’s like a city’s Post Office or UPS center! Discovery Ed. –scroll down :19sec.
Vacuole Found in both plant and animal cells – In plant cells: very Animal Vacuole Plant Vacuole Found in both plant and animal cells – In plant cells: very few and very large – In animal cells: many little ones • Fluid-filled sacs • Store food, water and waste It’s like a city’s warehouses, water towers and garbage dumps!
Chloroplasts Found in plant cells only • Oval-shaped • Green in color due to chlorophyll • Uses energy from the sun to make food for the plant It’s like the solar panels on a city’s buildings!
LYSOSOMES • Found in animal cells only. • Small and round in shape • Breaks down larger food molecules into smaller ones. Why do you think plants do not need lysosomes? They make food (sugar) that is readily used by the mitochondia for fuel • Lysosomes also digest old cell parts, so . . . It’s like a city’s Recycling Center!
What does the nuclear envelope do? It surrounds the nucleus. Review Questions What does the nuclear envelope do? It surrounds the nucleus. 2. What do ribosomes do? Make proteins 3. How do you think making rea-world comparisons with cells helps you understand cell structure and function? Real world comparisons relate to what I know and don’t know. Summarize how the functions of organelles in animal cells and plant cells are the same and different. In both kinds of cells most structures function the same way. In plants, chloroplast make food, and a cell wall protects and supports the cell. Animal cells have lysosomes that break down food particles and worn-out cell parts. A solar panel collects sunlight and converts it to heat or electrical energy. How is a solar panel similar to chloroplast? Like chloroplast, a solar panel changes sunlight into another form of usable energy. 6. What are cells made of? A cell membrane, a nucleus, cytoplasm and other organelles.
https://www.pearsonsuccessnet.com/snpapp/login/login.jsp SLIDE 4, 6 are direct quotes from Pearson Education Inc. 2012 All videos come from Discovery Education http://science-es.discoveryeducation.com/ Gogi Apparatus http://terra.dadeschools.net/books/Biology/BiologyExploringLife04/0-13-115075-8/text/chapter6/concept6.4.html LYSOSOMES http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/cells/chloroplasts/chloroplasts.html
CELL WALL PICTURES http://www.kidsbiology.com/biology_basics/cells_tissues_organs/cell_wall6.php CELL MEMBRANE PICTURE http://www.molecularstation.com/molecular-biology-images/504-cell-biology-pictures/17-cell-membrane-figure-plasma-membrane.html NUCLEUS http://notesforpakistan.blogspot.com/2010/10/structure-and-function-of-nucleus-in.html CHROMATIN http://www.doeaccimphal.org.in/m18/file.php/1/final%20contents/86/chromatin.html CYTOPLASM http://macintoshcells.wikispaces.com/Cytoplasm+2
RIBOSOMES http://www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee/biobk/biobookcell2.html MITOCHONDRIA http://shs.westport.k12.ct.us/asr/Bio%202/webquests/cell%20city/organelle%20links/mitochondria.htm ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM http://endoplasmicreticulum.net/ CHLOROPLAST http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/cells/chloroplasts/chloroplasts.html LYSOSOMES http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysosome