Working with Children PDG Erwin Biemel.


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Presentation transcript:

Working with Children PDG Erwin Biemel

District 9465 Trainer – PDG Erwin Biemel Rotary Working with Children Presentation A GUIDE TO COMPLIANCE WITH THE WORKING WITH CHILDREN ACT 2004 (criminal record checking) District 9465 Trainer – PDG Erwin Biemel

INTRODUCTION LEGAL FRAMEWORK The Working with Children Check (WWC Check) is a compulsory criminal check for many people who work with children under the age of 18 in Western Australia. Rotary International has produced the “Rotary Youth Protection Guide” to provide a policy framework for working with Children which clubs & districts must comply with.

RI STATEMENT OF CONDUCT ROTARY INTERNATIONAL STATEMENT OF CONDUCT FOR WORKING WITH YOUTH Rotary International strives to create and maintain a safe environment for all youth who participate in Rotary activities. To the best of their ability, Rotarians, Rotarians’ spouse, and partners, and other volunteers must safeguard the children and young people they come into contact with and protect them from physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. Adopted by the RI Board of Directors, November 2006

CLUB AND DISTRICT RESPONSIBILITIES APPOINTED ROLE The Rotary International Statement on Conduct for working with Youth places an obligation on all Rotarians Rotary Spouses and Partners and Volunteers to safeguard our Youth within our programs . This obligation is consistent with being in an appointed role as defined under the “ Working with Children (criminal record checking) Act 2004 “ if you are working with children.

CHILD RELATED WORK Any person who is in an appointed role or whose usual duties involve working with children. An appointed role includes Host Parents and children over 18 residing at the same address. Student Mentors Child ( Youth) Protection Officer Any Rotarian or Rotary Volunteer in child related work. Where their usual duties include Physical Contact Oral communication (including by telephone) Electronic communication Casual contact with a Child does not constitute “Working with Children

DEFINITIONS CHILD: VOLUNTEER Any individual who is under the age of 18 years of age. VOLUNTEER Any adult ( Rotarian or Non Rotarian )involved with Rotary Youth Programs who has direct interactions, either supervised or unsupervised, with students or children LESS THAN 18 YEARS OF AGE

DEFINITION OF ABUSE AND HARASSMENT Emotional or verbal abuse Physical abuse Neglect Sexual abuse Sexual Harassment

WHO REQUIRES A WWC CARD Every Rotarian in “Child Related Work” requires a WWC Applications for a WWC Card must occur within 5 days of the commencement of duties of the applicant. The fact that a person is a Rotarian ONLY does not permit them to apply for a Working with Children Check

WHO REQUIRES A WWC-CARD The Following Persons are deemed to be in “CHILD RELATED WORK” and are required to apply for a Working with Children Card as defined by the Act: Club Protection Officer Inbound and Outbound Mentor for Exchange Student Host Father and Mother for Exchange Student Host Brother and Sister for Exchange Student if over 18 years old and residing at the same address ( refer to appointed role ) Any Rotarian involved in Child Related Work Any Volunteer involved in Child Related Work Any Rotarian or Volunteer involved in an overnight camp or activity regardless of the type of accommodation or how many children are involved Counselling or other support services including telephone support

APPLICATION ISSUES In the past Rotarians have had their application for a WWC Card rejected because of the following main reasons – Applications were made incorrectly and or Being unable to explain to the satisfaction of the WWC Screening Unit that they were in Child Related Work.

PENALTIES Penalties up to $60,000 and 5 years imprisonment apply for breaches of the Act for reasons such as – Person does not have a WWC Card if required to do so or have a pending application. Employer is aware of person being convicted of a Class 1 or 2 offence. Employee ( person who signs the application form) does so knowing the applicant is not in child related work

RI PENALTIES A club must appropriately address any allegations that one of its members involved in Rotary-related youth programs has violated youth protection laws. Any club that fails to do so may have its membership suspended or terminated by the RI Board. (RIB 3.030.4.) A District may loose its RI certification for conducting Youth Programs if it is found in breach of RI Policy. RI is conducting random worldwide audits of districts

FIVE EASY STEPS FOR COMPLIANCE Appoint a Club ( Youth) Protection Officer Prepare a list ( Form 1) of all Rotarians and Rotary Volunteers within your Club and determine which are deemed to be in Child Related Work. Ensure that every person in Child Related Work has or applies for a WWC Card. Record the Card Details on Form 1 Check the validity of the card on the WWC website. If the Club is involved in RYE program conduct additional screening in accordance with the district WWC manual. Obtain a Rotary Youth Volunteer Declaration Conduct a Host Family assessment of suitability to host Host families complete an application form.

FIVE EASY STEPS FOR COMPLIANCE Conduct a training session for all Rotarians and Rotary Volunteers so that the are familiar how to complete a WWC application form and are familiar with their role in Child Related Work for Rotary Confirmation of appointment templates are provided in the District WWC manual to assist clubs in defining the duties of Rotarians and Rotary Volunteers and to ensure that they are able to answer questions from the WWC Screening Unit should they be contacted. The district manual outlines how to complete a WWC Card application.

FIVE EASY STEPS FOR COMPLIANCE Present Form 1 and RYE Screening Forms and Declarations to the Board of the Rotary Club. If a true reflection of the Clubs Activities with Youth and lists all Rotarians and Rotary Volunteers who require a WWC Card and have applied or are current holders of a card the board shall adopt the list as a true reflection of its requirements to comply with the Act Determine suitability of RYE applicants to host and record decision in the minutes of the Board Meeting.

FIVE EASY STEPS FOR COMPLIANCE Complete Form 2 of the District WWC Manual , District Notification Sheet of Appointment of Club Protection Officer and forward to District Protection Officer within 7 Days of their appointment Every Club should appoint a Club (Youth) Protection Office irrespective of the clubs involvement in Child Related Work or not. The Club Protection Office should not be on a committee such as New Generations or International if this committee is involved in Child Related Work. The Protection Officer should not be a new member as a good working knowledge of Rotary Programs and the role of your clubs membership is required. The Vice President is ideally suited to undertake the role.

FIVE EASY STEPS FOR COMPLIANCE Complete Form 3 of the District WWC Manual , Conformity Certification of the Clubs compliance with the Requirements of the District WWC Manual. Forward completed form within 14 days of changeover to the District Protection Officer Completed form to be returned to the District Protection Officer even if the Club is not involved in projects deemed to be Child Related Work.

DISTRICT CONFORMITY STATEMENT The District Governor is required to Certify to RI that the District is Compliant with the approved District Youth Protection Policy of which the District WWC Manual forms part. Unless clubs provide certification to District of compliance the DG cannot certify District Compliance RI is conducting worldwide random audits of compliance The District will not be able to conduct any youth programs unless it is compliant to the requirements of RI.

CLUB COMPLIANCE STATEMENT The Club President is required to Certify to the District Insurers AON that the Club is Compliant with the approved District Youth Protection Policy and RI Youth Protection Policies as follows Is your Club involved in any Youth Programs Does your Club comply with the RI Youth protection policy Is your Club familiar with District Youth Protection Policy Have all copies of Volunteer Declarations been supplied to District Has your Club received Youth Protection procedures training ETC. Making a false declaration could result in withdrawal of insurance cover by AON

LIABILITY INSURANCE Liability Insurance for molestation claims is held by the district Any one claim has a $25,000 excess A fund was established in 2006 at the Australian Rotary Youth Exchange Program Chairs Conference with contributions from districts. The fund covers the $25,000 excess with eligibility criteria including the following follow the Rotary International Youth Protection Guide Reporting Guidelines Do not admitted liability Exclusions to making a claim include. The policy does not cover the Perpetrator Policy does not cover a District and or Club which is not Certified.

DUTIES OF A CLUB PROTECTION OFFICER The Duties of the Club Protection Officer (CPO) include establishing the suitability of all the Rotarians and Volunteers involved in Youth Programs undertaken by that Rotary Club. It is the Club Protection Officer who has the responsibility to ensure that everyone required to be checked by the Act obtains a Working with Children Card The CPO shall enquire of any child within a Rotary Program such as Youth Exchange as to their well being from time to time.

DUTIES OF A CLUB PROTECTION OFFICER The CPO SHALL complete Form 1 the “Working with Children Record Keeping Sheet” as contained in the District WWC Manual and in accordance with the requirements of that manual. The validity of WWC Card must be checked every 6 MONTHS A Copy of Form 1 “Working with Children Record Keeping Sheet” must be presented to the Club Board and noted in the board minutes as approved subject to changes at maximum 6 monthly intervals

DUTIES OF A CLUB PROTECTION OFFICER The CPO shall also ensure that all forms ( application, declaration and interview) pertaining to the RYE programme are completed and presented to the Club Board and noted in the minutes as approved. Where an incident of Child Abuse or Harassment is reported to the CPO the child concerned shall be immediately relocated to a safe location and the District Governor, Rotary Youth Exchange Chairperson or District Protection Officer shall be immediately notified.

INCIDENT HANDLING Any adult to whom a Rotary youth program participant reports an allegation of sexual abuse or harassment must follow these reporting guidelines: Listen attentively and stay calm Assure privacy but not confidentiality Get the facts, but don’t interrogate Be nonjudgmental and reassure Document the allegation Ensure the safety and well-being of the youth program participant by removing him or her from the situation immediately and preventing all contact with the alleged abuser or harasser. Reassure the youth that this is being done for his or her safety and is not a punishment.

INCIDENT HANDLING Avoid gossip and blame . Don’t contact the alleged offender Comments made against an alleged abuser could lead to a slander or libel claim filed against Rotarians or clubs by the alleged abuser. Immediately report all cases of sexual abuse or harassment to the District Governor and or District Protection Officer and or District Chairman of Youth Exchange. All Press releases shall be made from the DG of their nominated representative only.

RECORD RETENTION AND STORAGE The Act required that all information about a person’s criminal history must be STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, and stored securely Rotary International required each Rotary Club to ensure that all records are maintained and retained and establish procedures for confidentiality and limited access. All Records relating to WWC-Cards and Forms 1, 2 and 3 and RYE interviews must be kept in perpetuity by the Rotary Club.



COST OF A WWC-CARD The cost of a Working with Children Card is heavily subsidise for all applicants and is $10.00 for volunteers and other unpaid people. The Card is valid for three years and is transferable across different types of child-related work. Application Forms are available from Major Post Offices. Applications must be made in Person