Total Credit Points Requirement : 129 Education Objectives 1. To develop an international perspective, necessary in order to become an effective professional working in today’s global markets. 2. To develop a level of understanding and working with financial models required to become a financial professional. 3. To acquire the ability to compile financial data and the ability to analyze such data to a professional level. 4. To develop an intuitive understanding of financial theory, necessary to understand the workings of the modern financial market. IF Curriculum Map Applied to 2016 AY Cohort GE Core Courses (15) Service Education Courses (0) Physical Education Courses (0) College Core Course (12) General Electives (12) IF Core Courses (51) IF Other Electives (39) Academic Courses Practical Courses Academic Courses Practical Courses Other Elective Freshman Semester 1 Freshman Semester 2 Sophomore Semester 1 Sophomore Semester 2 Junior Semester 1 Junior Semester 2 Senior Semester 1 Senior Semester 2 General Electives Students should only take General Elective courses offered by the International College. The courses offer by the General Education Center should not be included in the selection. Service Education I (0) Service Education II (0) Physical Education I (0) Physical Education II (0) International Studies (0) Financial Derivatives I (3) Personal Finance (3) Seminar in Financial Management (3) English Reading (3) English Writing and Composition (3) Business Law (3) Financial Institutional Management I (3) Investment Management (3) Investment Portfolio Analysis (3) Financial Derivatives II (3) Risk and Insurance (3) Chinese Literature (3) Modern Culture and History (3) International Economics (3) Financial Statement Analysis(3) International Financial Management (3) Mergers and Acquisitions (3) Financial Economics (3) Financial Time Series (3) Information Systems for Biz Management(3) Management (3) Financial Management I (3) Econometrics (3) Financial Management II (3) Investment Banking (3) Research Method for Finance (3) Real Estate Investment (3) Contemporary Topics in Finance (3) Economic I (3) Statistics I (3) Statistics II (3) Money and Banking (3) Case Study in Financial Management (3) International Finance and Foreign Exchange (3) Legal and Social Environment & Business (3) Public Finance (3) International Trade & Exchange (3) Financial Risk Management (3) Behavioral Finance (3)- TBA Accounting I (3) Economics II (3) Financial Markets (3) International Financial Markets (3) Fixed Income Securities (3)- TBA Macroeconomics (3) Financial Planning and Control (3)- TBA Securities Investment Analysis (3) Asset Backed Securitization (3)- TBA Managerial Mathematics (3) Accounting II (3) Microeconomics (3) Corporate Governance (3)- TBA Game Theory (3)- TBA Financial English (3) Practicum in Readiness or Study/ Living Abroad (1) Principle of Marketing (3) Business Communication (3) Financial Application Software Intermediate Accounting I (3) Intermediate Accounting II (3) Internship I (3) Students are required to study abroad prior to graduation. Regarding International Study program, please refer to” Regulations for Implementation of International Studies for students of International College at I-Shou University” Service Learning and Non-Profit Organization (3) Internship II (3) Total Credit Points Requirement : 129 InternshipⅢ (3)