Destination : PARIS TMA Depending of what is your goal you want to achieve, there are several way of using an AMAN, design arrival procedures and create new work methods. The major need in Paris TMA was to avoid holding in the middle of each arrival sequence and to prepare the « HUB » strategy for Air France without having enough RWY (capacity) for that. At that time the only « HUB » experience was concentrated is US: ATLANTA, CHICAGO…
Flows evolution
Climb Descent Stable Paris En route ATCC
Sectorization What is taken into account to design a sector: Traffic caracteristics : –Type (jets, prop, etc....) –Traffic stable, climbing, descending,... Environnement –Infrastructure : (tracks, military zones, special procedures). –But mainly tasks to achieve into the sector. –Interface gestion.
Sectorization The goal is to obtain the best global capacity for major flows Sectors are now very specialized. design is complex lateraly, verticaly…
AR Fully arriving « Paris Tma North » sector : AR
Exemple : Chicago
Theorical construction for arrivals: american way :miles in trails
BASIC SCHEME: - 2 independent sectors for regulations to Orly ariport and CDG airport, - 1 sector for distribution and overflights. Advantages: safety, trajectories, capacity, independence. ORLY t ROISSY distribution-pré régulation Arrivées Orly Arrivées Roissy Attente éloignée Attente intermédiaire Attente proche
Theorical descent profil : 3°, 5%
example MIDWAY / O HARE How are treated secondary airports arrivals
Ground Layout model : ATLANTA
MAESTRO ascenseur échelle de temps (IAF) échelle de temps (pistes) Bandeau haut
échelle de temps (référence IAF) pistes utilisées IAF de référence heure courante le champ vol : heure de passage à l'IAF délai à résorber au CRNA pistes utilisées
échelle de temps (référence pistes) le champ vol : IAF : initiale + code couleur nord-ouest : bleu M (merue) sud-est : mauve O (omako) sud-ouest : brun B (balod) nord-est : beige L (lorta) v (veler) délai à résorber au CRNA Codage des IAF par initiale et couleur
2 strategies No « air crossing » Miminum time on taxiway
Time to gain, to loose Due to the special design of STAR, time to gain until freezing zone is 0 Time to loose can be as high as 10 min on a STAR
« RWY PRESSURE » One of the major goal of LFP arrival manager is to leave no gapon RWY during peak period. A parameter is defined in the system depending on « time to fly » between IAF and RWY to keep the TMA just a bit overcrowded: generally: the time displayed to ACC is cut by 2 min: Example: If an a/c have 5 minutes to loose before RWY : 3 are to loose before IAF by the ACC, and 2 by APP between IAF and RWY
Decrease the number of coor… & 1 level, 1 speed The number of coordinations between ACC and TMA is very low: Only for special cases If props and jets have to be sequence (only for the 2 IAF closest to RWY In case of holding.
Sequence Manager role The sequencer manager : Give a speed for aircrafts entering TMA (20 before) Advise sectors if holding or closure of 1 RWY (sector has to manage the necessary gap.) Choose the AMAN strategy depending of the level of traffic. Optimize the RWY sequence : a goal : NO GAP on RWY during peak hour. Try to keep an equal workload between TMA and E-TMA
Estimated gain The major gain is a decrease of time of holding: the ratio is 1/10. In normal operation :no holding for accessing LFP. (# EGTT TMA). Gain of fuel cost for Airlines by using continuous descent and continuous speed reduction. Without AMAN : before holding 33 a/c With AMAN : 36 or 37 a/c before holding (depending on the number of prop and Heavy in seq) (max cap : 40 a/c /h /RWY)
LFFF CT E n d o f t h e p r e s e n t a t i o n.