A Mockumentary by Connor Moore The Feral Child A Mockumentary by Connor Moore
Content The content of The Feral Child will consist of the day in the life of a feral child, interviews with family and friends of the main actor (The Feral child ).
Structure The structure of the mockumentary is going as follows: Introduction- Intro to the feral child and what being a Feral child is, introduction to main character and old feral life. Body - A day in the life of the feral child. - Including interviews with family of character, friends and general public. -Feral child on road to recovery. Outro - ‘Will The Feral Child ever get used to normal life?’
Primary Research Demographics I created a survey asking various questions that will help with the planning of my Mockumentary. The majority of my audience demographic said that they would watch a Mockumentary. I also asked what is your age, the majority who took the survey are 17-19.. I chose more specific age groups as my secondary research bulks between these ages. I also asked what duration people prefer, people who said depends either said it depends on content' or if it is a serious documentary then it should be longer. therefor, in the genre I am going for, people will like it to be short and snappy.
Secondary Research Demographics My secondary research consisted of going onto the Barb website and finding the statistics on what genres of TV people watch, as you can see, documentaries are third in the chart. I have also got the viewing figures for The Office US and I have noticed a correlation that favorites Season 5, there for I will base my influence in camera work and features around this season.
Influences -The Office is a strong influence as it is very popular now a days and it has very similar style camera work, content and structure to what I am aiming for.
Audience rationale Duration: 4 – 6 minutes, My Primary audience research suggests that I would be beneficial making as shorter duration mockumentary. If it was a serious topic I’d go for longer. I am going to base the influences and features in ‘The Feral Child’ around the 5th season of ‘The Office US’ because looking at the viewing figures, I noticed a peak in the correlation at season 5.
Production Method -I will be filming in a public woods, in the actors house, in my house and in the streets of Evesham gathering vox pops. -I will be using my own camera, a JVC camcorder.I will use similar style camera work to The Office as it achieves comdey simply within the camera work. -I am not going to script anything (other than interviews) as it will make it seem natural.