The future as a member of a Multi Academy Trust? Ralph Thoresby School The future as a member of a Multi Academy Trust?
What should we consider? Think beyond the here and now… What’s best for our students? What’s best for our parents, carers and wider community? What’s best for RTS staff?
Funding cuts Ofsted Multi – Academy Trust? Recruitment Government Policy
The wrong question: The right question: “Should my school become an academy or form a MAT?” The right question: “How can my school best collaborate with others in a strong and resilient structure to ensure that each child is a powerful learner and that adults have the opportunities to learn and develop as teachers and leaders?”
Where are we and how did we get here?
The national picture in 2016 Scrapped!
But then this happened… Reforms to encourage “high performing institutions – independent schools, higher education institutions, selective and faith schools – to help improve the quality of school place in the mainstream sector” 86% of state schools are good or outstanding
The national picture – what’s changed? “Our ambition remains that all schools should benefit from the freedom and autonomy that academy status brings. Our focus, however, is on building capacity in the system and encouraging schools to convert voluntarily. No changes to legislation are required for these purposes and therefore we do not require wider education legislation in this session to make progress on our ambitious education agenda.” Extract from the written Ministerial Statement
The national picture – what’s actually happened… DFE LA Schools DFE NSC RSCs / LAs MATs / Schools
What role do the LA continue to play? The influence, control and effectiveness of Local Authorities IS diminishing Admissions / basic need SEND Children Looked After Specialist provisions for students with SEMH issues Registration of NQTs A limited amount of school improvement (for now) Important to note – although the White Paper was scrapped, the LA funding cut went ahead!
The Local Picture The Current landscape in Leeds: Ruth Gorse MAT Rodillian MAT White Rose MAT Delta MAT Other academies Red Kite Alliance Faith Schools
The Ralph Thoresby Way What should we do?
What is a MAT? A group of schools who work together with (to some level) shared support services, shared Governance and shared accountability. The Government’s preferred vehicle for the delivery of education in the UK.
So, why should we become a MAT? Stronger together Avoid isolation The LA is no longer strong enough to support us Support against external pressures Opportunities for retention of staff and career development Chance to ‘shape’ a new MAT at an early stage Financial benefits e.g. joint procurement Support and challenge from other local schools
What are the potential drawbacks What are the potential drawbacks? How do we prevent these becoming issues for us? Loss of autonomy Lose the positive elements of the LA Less significant partnership with the Leeds North West Education Partnership Trust Join a MAT that allows us to maintain autonomy and identity Join a MAT which works well with the LA Continue to work with this group. Join a MAT which encourages local partnerships
The options for RTS Do nothing? Create our own MAT / join a non-Red Kite MAT? Join the Red Kite Learning Trust? Risk: we lose options and the chance to control our own destiny. Risk: where would we turn? Risk: are we strong enough? Risk: not based on existing partnerships? Far fewer as we are building on firm foundations…
What is the Red Kite Learning Trust? An embryonic MAT Currently Harrogate Grammar School, Oatlands Junior School and Weston Primary School (both in Harrogate) Now (1st March 2017) joined by Crawshaw School (Pudsey) More Red Kite Secondary and Primary Schools to follow (mainly Leeds schools) We could be in at an early stage and help ‘shape’ the MAT
So, why should we become a Red Kite MAT? Stronger together Avoid isolation The LA is no longer strong enough to support us Support against external pressures Opportunities for retention of staff and career development Chance to ‘shape’ a new MAT at an early stage Financial benefits e.g. joint procurement Support and challenge from other local schools
So, why should we become a Red Kite MAT? Red Kite has a teaching school alliance at it’s heart Principles in line with ours – not ‘predatory’ or ‘dictatorial’. Ethical leadership. Based on existing, successful partnerships Capacity to maintain existing partnerships A strong local partnership A group of stable schools An existing positive ‘brand’ promoting aspiration. Good links with RSC and DFE. Support in developing our Sixth Form
Simplified draft governance structure for the Red Kite Learning Trust School School School School School School School School LGB LGB LGB LGB LGB LGB LGB LGB Headteachers’ Group Chairs’ Group Chief Executive Officer (or similar) Support Team School Improvement Team Board of Trustees Members Simplified draft governance structure for the Red Kite Learning Trust
How would it work financially? We gain We lose £52k de-delegated funding £71k additional funding (ESG) £92k Not paying for additional LA and other services e.g. HR, Payroll, LNWET Total: £215 £213k (4.5% to the MAT)
Frequently asked questions… What does it mean for our children? Would the identity of the school change? Would the badge and uniform change? Would external people ‘interfere’ in RTS? Would it mean more pressure / additional work? Would staff terms and conditions change? Would it mean redundancy? Are we ‘converting’ or being ‘sponsored’? Where does this leave the Trust? Does a MAT protect us against an aggressive ‘takeover’? Are MATs successful?
Characteristics of high -performing MATs There is a well-communicated strategic vision and plan that moves seamlessly from implementation into impact There is a clear accountability framework for the performance of the trust that all staff understand There are clear quality assurance systems in place to improve consistency and performance There is a clear delegated framework for governance at trust board and local governing body level that makes the responsibilities of both the board and any local governing bodies explicit
There is evidence of skilled management of trust risk indicators There is a trust-wide school improvement strategy that recognises the different interventions needed at different stages of the improvement journey that a school undertakes There is a systematic programme of school to school support that is focused on the need of individual academies There is evidence of skilled management of trust risk indicators There is a clear succession plan for the key posts within the MAT There is a trust-wide commitment to making a contribution to local, regional and national educational networks beyond the MAT. (A self-assessment tool developed by Sir David Carter)
What is the timescale? Jan / Feb 2017 – consultation with staff and governors March / April – widen consultation to parents, carers and students 18th April – ‘drop-in’ session for parents and carers 19th April – decision on whether or not to progress to ‘formal’ stage of conversion. Governors can withdraw at any point up to the conversion date – not yet set.
“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Abraham Lincoln
Further reading: ASCL guidance paper Red Kite Learning Trust website And please keep asking questions…