Label information campaign OBJECTIVES Develop the number of companies interested in the label / entering the awarding process / awarded TARGETS Hosting and/or sending companies about to be involved or already involved in mobility KEY MESSAGES FOR THE COMPANIES The quality approach is useful because it create mutual trust between all partners involved and foster the benefits / outcomes for the learner and for the company There is individual support available and the quality assurance takes into account the specific situation and need of my company The label is promoted at local, regional, national, European level ORGANISATIONNAL ELEMENTS The aim is to focus on the importance of a quality approach for “In –company Learning Mobility” in order to be able take fully benefit of learning mobility as a pedagogical situation / tool to acquire new competencies. Inform about the label and the quality conditions. Inform about the partners involved and the EuroApprenticeship network. The support provided by the awarding body to improve the quality of placements (taking into consideration the specificities of the company) and to promote the investment of the company should be explained and highlighted such as: organise the preparation and a debriefing about the personal and professional growth for the learners and/or formalize together the contributions from European trainees (innovation, a new perspective), promotion of a positive image on the local labour market, organisation of recognition from peers and stakeholders, positioning of the company as an European company offering European learning opportunities … WHEN During the recruitment period of apprentices, when informing companies about apprenticeship contracts, before the signature of the apprenticeship contract Well before the implementation of a mobility project (3-6 month) After a mobility project to promote the outcomes HOW Information during training sessions for trainers, tutors, specific webinars Handouts during visits of professional teachers / mobility coordinators in the company to prepare and evaluate mobility Information and promotion in local, regional & professional Medias, articles Permanent exposition in the training center with testimonies from awarded companies Awarding ceremonies, specific promotional event (EUROPASS awarding, Training awards, Debriefing of mobility events) Publication on the website of the awarding body WHO IS IN CHARGE Awarding bodies (intermediate organisations, craft chambers, training centres, other stakeholders) Coordinators of mobility consortia Mobility organisers COMMUNICATION MATERIALS EQAMOB&CO Videos & testimonies (& EAS video channel), Flyer / brochure for companies, No More Post Cards, Social banners, Certificate & Sticker, gadgets, checklists,
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