* 07/16/96 Key Stage 1 SATs Year 2 *
Out with the old and in with the new! 5/11/2018 Out with the old and in with the new! As of 2014, the ‘old’ national curriculum levels (e.g. level 2, 3, 4) were abolished as set out in Government guidelines. Year 2 Interim Guidelines Year 2 SATs are statutory To be completed in May
Assessment and Reporting Assessment is tracked against standards outlined in the ‘Interim Framework’ released in 2016 Pre Key Stage Working Towards the Expected Standard Working at the Expected Standard Working at Greater Depth of the Expected Standard
Assessment and Reporting Final assessment is Teacher Assessment is not a ‘snapshot’ like tests and is therefore more reliable: Work in books Evidence from tests Tracked throughout the year SATs Tests help inform and are marked by the teachers!
The SATs Tests Maths Paper 1 – Arithmetic Paper 2 – Reasoning Reading Paper 1 – Short Read Paper 2 – Extended Read Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) Paper 1 - Spelling Paper 2 – Grammar and Punctuation
Maths Paper 1 – ARITHMETIC Approximately 25 minutes 25 marks. It covers calculation methods for all operations.
Maths Paper 2 – REASONING Approximately 35 minutes 35 marks. It covers problem solving, reasoning and mathematical fluency
Reading Reading Paper 1 Short Texts 2 or 3 questions to answer Single word answers or ticking a box
Reading Reading Paper 2 2 longer Texts Questions to answer in separate answer booklet Single word answers, ticking a box, longer written answer
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Paper 1 – Spelling 20 words Each word is read out as part of a sentence Children write the written word in the gap Based on phonic patterns taught in Key Stage 1
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Paper 2 – Grammar, Punctuation and Vocabulary Will test children’s understanding of technical vocabulary (noun, verb) Some questions will require children to input correct punctuation to mark sentences.
When? Last 2 weeks of term Weeks beginning 15th May and 22nd May 1 test a day
Support in School Tests will be split over 2 weeks – 1 a day! * 07/16/96 Support in School Tests will be split over 2 weeks – 1 a day! The school day will be as normal as possible – we are used to tests! As much time as needed– The tests aren’t timed (just suggested) Breaks if needed Readers if needed Some tests administered in small groups Fruit will be provided every day *
How can you help? Ensure that your child arrives at school on time. * 07/16/96 How can you help? Ensure that your child arrives at school on time. Ensure that your child has had a good breakfast. Make sure they get plenty of sleep Keep the pressure off – keep the day as normal as possible Provide extra snacks if required *
* 07/16/96 Any Questions? *