Year 2 SATS Parents’ meeting 29.3.2017
Changes in 2016 The new version of KS1 SATS came in last year. Children will sit different papers (The SPaG test is new and the style of maths papers is new too) Old style levels have gone. You will be informed whether your child is working at the expected level for Year 2 or working towards it.
IMPORTANT The children need to be calm during the tests. In school we have been teaching what they need to know throughout the year. We will not be putting pressure on the children around the time of the tests. The children won’t know they are doing any tests until the day when they start. The children have done school based assessments this year so they are used to the format of testing
Important for you Please do not make your child sit practise papers at home (this can make them more anxious) Avoid asking them if they have done tests yet – please wait for them to tell you There is no need to talk to them about SATS specifically. (We have been teaching them all year and haven’t mentioned SATs yet) The best thing you can do is just tell them to do their best like you would at any other time We tell them that its their chance to shine and show us what they are good at and what they need a bit more help with.
Timetable During May your child will be doing their Year 2 SATS. These consist of: 2 Reading papers A SPaG test and spelling test A reasoning maths paper including mental maths questions An arithmetic paper The children will not sit a writing paper. The teachers will assess six pieces of independent writing per child to decide the level that the child is working at The children will also be teacher assessed in Science but there is no test
Test conditions The tests will be held within the year 2 classrooms. They will be administered by us the class teachers. The children will have all equipment that they need – you don’t need to provide anything They will know that they can’t talk during tests but we will keep a calm atmosphere in order for the children to relax and do their best.
During the weeks of the tests The children will do their SATS in small groups this way the teachers are on hand to answer any questions. We will ensure that the children get additional breaks and time to relax during that week. In the afternoons the children will do practical and arty activities so they can relax
Results The children will get their results when they get their annual school report in July The results will state whether your child is working at the expected level, working towards the expected level or working above it.
How can you help? Before the SATS Please continue to read with your child and ask them questions about what they have read as often as possible. Quick fire maths questions are a really good idea on car journeys, in the bath or in the adverts when watching the telly. Talk to your child about what they have learnt at school each day. Explaining their learning will help them to embed it. Practise spellings with your child PLEASE AVOID TAKING YOUR CHILD OUT OF SCHOOL FOR ANY REASON IN MAY
During the the SATS We will want the children to be calm and focussed during May Please ensure that the children are not late to bed Make sure they have a filling breakfast Don’t put them under any pressure – just encourage them to do their best If they are worried, please come and speak to us
Finally….. Your children are six and seven years old. SATS tests are only a small part of what we do. These tests are new to all of us this year. It is important to keep them in perspective. This is only one part of their learning journey. They simply provide an overview at the end of Key Stage 1 of the stage your child is working at and help the school to know how to support them as they move into Key Stage 2.