FRESHMEN ASSEMBLY SEPTEMBER 28, 2016 Class of 2020 FRESHMEN ASSEMBLY SEPTEMBER 28, 2016 Charging Fearlessly Toward Graduation
CHMS Administrators
Who is your counselor? Last Names A-F Ms. Tsosie Last Names G-N Mr. Valdez Last Names O-Z Ms. Jeffery College & Career Ms. Cabral UofA CAC Advisor Ms. Valencia Social Worker Mr. Wunderlich
Student Services MTSS Facilitator I.B. Coordinator Magnet Coordinator Amy McDonald I.B. Coordinator Kathy Jensen Magnet Coordinator Cathy Adams Community Relations Isabel Valenzuela Dropout Prevention Robert Rodriguez Native American Student Services Juanita Mesquita Mexican American Student Services Angelica Goebel African American Student Services George Brown Asian Pacific American Student Services Bac Dinh
Attendance really does matter! Attendance policy 10 or more unexcused absences = No Credit Attendance Appeal Form (available in Student Services area)
Tardy Reminders Attendance taken within first 10 minutes. If you are more than 10 minutes tardy, your teacher may report you as being absent. Remind teacher to change your absence to a tardy (when you report to class with a tardy pass). ALWAYS HAVE A PASS when tardy. 10-10 Rule: No passes during first or last 10 minutes of classes!
ATTENDANCE CHALLENGE! Attendance challenge starting Monday! Be on time to EVERY class all day and earn tickets to be used in weekly and monthly drawings. Meet personal attendance goals and earn tickets. There will also be class challenges and contests.
Graduation Requirements TUSD Course Requirements Credits AZ Dept. of Educ. Requirement State Assessment Test English 4.0 Pass the Civics Test 60% or above = 60/100 Take the AzMerit Tests: English 9 English 10 English 11 Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra II or equivalent Math Science 3.0 Social Studies Health 0.5 Physical Educ. 1.0 Fine Arts or CTE Electives 6.5 Total 23.0
What is a credit anyway? You earn a half credit (0.5) for every semester you pass a class with a grade of D or above. F, I, and NC do not give you credit!
Grade Reports
Grade Point Average (GPA) Standard Curriculum I.B. Curriculum (Jr/Sr) A = 4 points B = 3 points C = 2 points D = 1 point F = 0 points A = 5 points B = 4 points C = 3 points D = 2 points F = 0 points
For Standard Curriculum GPA “rule of thumb” For Standard Curriculum Straight A’s = 4.0 Straight B’s = 3.0 Straight C’s = 2.0 Straight D’s = 1.0 Straight F’s = 0.0
Get involved! CLUBS: Walking/Health Wellness Karate Poetry & Pots Chess Club Chinese Cholla Blues Standard Law Education Mariachi Welding Yoga Driver Education
Get involved! Winter Sports Spring Sports Girls’ & Boys’ Basketball Girls’ & Boys’ Soccer Wrestling Girls’ & Boys’ Track and Field Girls’ & Boys’ Tennis Softball Baseball Boys’ Volleyball
Resources for You! Talk to your teacher(s) IB tutoring Cholla After-School Program (CAP) Before school tutoring in Room A1 HW Help through Pima County Library Websites, Google, YouTube Ex: math textbook website Ex:
What happens if you fall behind? Opportunities to get back on track $ummer $chool Weekend Academy (4 week$ in a row) Credit Recovery For 12th graders (as a class) CAP (10th graders get priority)
Thinking of College/University? Research the schools Take the right classes University Entrance Requirements The better your GPA, the higher you rank in your graduating class. Aim for the Top 25% Get involved in extra-curricular activities Sports Clubs Community Service
Is it really worth it? You DO have a choice!