World War II JEOPARDY Single Round 1
Vocabulary Key People WWII Challenge Key Events Hodge Podge 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 2
WWII Challenge 100 The largest amphibian assault in history was known as A: D-Day 3
WWII Challenge 200 The General during multiple campaigns who later became president was A: Dwight D. Eisenhower 4
WWII Challenge 300 Name the cities that were bombed by the United States to close out WWII A: Hiroshima and Nagasaki 5
WWII Challenge 400 Group that orchestrated the rationing of goods during wartime A: War Production Board 6
WWII Challenge 500 Skirmish in which the Germans made one last attempt to defend the motherland A: Battle of the Bulge 7
Vocabulary 100 Term used to describe fighting in Europe. A: European Theater 8
Vocabulary 200 Term used to describe fighting on/around islands near Japan A: Pacific Theater 9
Vocabulary 300 Term used to describe method of United States attack in Pacific A: Island Hopping 10
Vocabulary 400 The imprisonment of Japanese American citizens during WWII A: Internment 11
Vocabulary 500 Group dedicated to attaining equality in the United States A: Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) 12
President at start of WWII Key People 100 President at start of WWII A: FDR 13
President at conclusion of WWII Key People 200 President at conclusion of WWII A: Harry Truman 14
Key individual in the development of the atomic bomb Key People 300 Key individual in the development of the atomic bomb A: J. Robert Oppenheimer 15
General of Army during WWII Key People 400 General of Army during WWII A: George Patton 16
Admiral of US Navy during WWII Key People 500 Admiral of US Navy during WWII A: Chester A. Nimitz 17
Key Events 100 ‘Day’ the US officially defeated the Germans in WWII A: V-E Day 18
Key Events 200 Battle in which the US successfully repelled the Japanese, which was followed by offensive attacks A: Battle of Midway 19
Key Events 300 Battle that resulted in the capture of a Japanese Island A: Battle of Iwo Jima 20
Key Events 400 Trials that were conducted to bring justice to Nazi party members responsible for the Holocaust A: Nuremberg Trials 21
Key Events 500 Racial tensions in LA during the war led to A: Zoot Suit Riots 22
Name of covert operation to develop the A-Bomb Hodge Podge 100 Name of covert operation to develop the A-Bomb A: Manhattan Project 23
Technique used by Japanese during WWII that involved a suicide attack Hodge Podge 200 Technique used by Japanese during WWII that involved a suicide attack A: Kamikaze 24
Hodge Podge 300 Group responsible for attaining reparations years after WWII had concluded A: Japanese American Citizens League 25
Group formed to allow women to participate in the military Hodge Podge 400 Group formed to allow women to participate in the military A: Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps 26
Hodge Podge 500 Leader of CORE A: James Farmer 27