My Birth Story Abby White
Introduction Date of Birth: 10/17/1994 Time of Birth: 10:58 A.M. Place of Birth: Cottonwood Hospital Birth Order: Second of two Children
Pre-natal care Complications of pre-natal care? My mom had placenta previa. As a result she was on bed rest and had to have ultrasounds to monitor. Any special screenings or procedures done? My mom was 38 years old when she had me so she was considered a high risk pregnancy. She was also really sick then entire pregnancy and have nausea and vomiting everyday of the pregnancy. How far into the pregnancy did pre-natal care begin? She found out she was pregnant about a month into the pregnancy and that’s when she started taking prenatal vitamins. Her first doctors visit was at 9-10 weeks gestation.
Intra-partum Care My mother was induced 10 days early (I was getting big) Method of induction: Ruptured membranes Pain Relief: Epidural before membranes were ruptured Length of labor: 1 Hour (precipitous birth) Complications of intra-partum care: Nope Type of delivery: Vaginal
Post-partum care My mom did not have any post-partum complications directly related to my birth, however she did have to have a hysterectomy less than two months after I was born due to a prolapsed uterus. My older brother was born three years before me and my mom actually had a prolapsed uterus then. However, she really wanted another child so against medical advice she decided against a hysterectomy at that time.
Newborn Birth weight: 8lbs 7 oz babies feedings: started beast feeding but lost weight because my mom didn’t produce enough milk so they started supplementing before going to straight formula. Possible complications: None I was a perfect child
Compare and contrast My Clinical experience I didn’t actually get to see a birth at my clinical, but I noticed that a lot of the thinks my mom described were actually pretty similar. For example: Pre-natal: While I was on Labor and Delivery for my clinical one mom was pregnant with twins at 31 weeks and she had placenta previa, just like my mom had. At the hospital they did an ultrasound and monitored the babies and when the doctor felt it was safe sent her home on bed rest. She was not given any medications at that time. One thing that was different about my birth story that others is that my mom was very sick and they gave her meds to reduce vomiting. Now if they were vomiting and losing weight during pregnancy they may be put on IV fluids. Intra-partum Care Inductions: The doctor broke a woman’s water with amiohook and started her on pitocin. The same way I was induced. Epidural: I watched several epidurals, which are still the primary pain relief to laboring moms. Post-partum Care I was able to take care of some post-partum moms during my clinical experience, however none of them had any complications. Their experience was similar to my moms they received routine vitals every four hours, pain meds only when needed, ice packs for vaginal pain and imflammation, fundus checks. I did have one mom that was bleeding quite a bit after a c-section. We hung pitocin as well as credeing her fundus. At clinical I was able to assist moms while breast feeding. It was really easy to get some babies to lack and really difficult for others. My mom did not produce enough milk to adequately breastfeed so although I was able to latch on I ended up bottle feeding. Newborn During clinical I was not in the NICU so I mostly worked with healthy babies. One of the babies I worked with was jaundice and had to spend time under bililights in the nursery. Another baby I worked with was only 5lbs, he was so tiny, but other that being small for gestational age he was healthy. The only thing different about his care was that his doctors appointment with his pediatrician was sooner than normal so they could monitor his weight.
Sources My amazing Mother Tara’s Maternal Newborn Notes WebMD MayoClinic My clinical nursing at JVMC