Halal Cosmetics Certification: A Comprehensive Guide LPPOM MUI Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan Obat-obatan & Kosmetika Majelis Ulama Indonesia Halal Cosmetics Certification: A Comprehensive Guide Presented by : Muti Arintawati Vice Director of LPPOM MUI Bangkok, 9th October 2016
Halal- Haram is part of Islamic teaching LPPOM MUI The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs And Cosmetics, the Indonesian Council of Ulama Halal- Haram is part of Islamic teaching Practicing halal-haram rule is obligatory for all muslim for all aspects of life Halal – Haram rule is clearly explained in the Holy Book Al-Quran and also Al-Hadits
Muslim Market World population : 7,256,490,011 (World Fact Book, July 2015 est.) Muslim 23.2 % of world population (> 1.7 billion) (World FactBook, 2010 est.) Indonesia : population > 250 millions, ~ 90% muslim Market demands for Islamic products are huge in its market (foods, cosmetics, medicines products, fashion, etc.)
Halal and Haram Concept
Important Terminology LPPOM MUI The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs And Cosmetics, the Indonesian Council of Ulama Important Terminology Halal Means permissible or lawful. It is related to object or action which is permissible to use or engage in, according to Islamic Sharia Law. In term of consumer goods (foods, cosmetics, medicine, etc.) basically all things in the world are Halal, unless there is a prohibition mentioned in Al-Quran or Hadits. Haram Means prohibited or unlawful according to Islamic Sharia Law
Important Terminology LPPOM MUI The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs And Cosmetics, the Indonesian Council of Ulama Important Terminology Thayyib Means healthy, hygienic, wholesome. Halal is always combined with thayyib – Halalan Thayyiban. Najis/najasah Means dirt/filth that cause unlawful worship. Halal but not thayyib Not halal Thayyib but not halal Not halal
LPPOM MUI The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs And Cosmetics, the Indonesian Council of Ulama Type of Najis Type of Najis Example Ways to clean (Purify) 1. Heavy Pig and its derivatives and Saliva from dog Washed 7 times with water and one of them are mixed with soil 2. Medium Urine, feces, carrion, khamr, blood, etc Washed until the color, odor, and taste of najis is removed 3. Light Urine from baby boy who only breastfeed. Splash with water or wiped it using wet cloth.
LPPOM MUI The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs And Cosmetics, the Indonesian Council of Ulama Haram Material Carrion (= dead animals without slaughtering, including halal animals slaughtered not according to Islamic law) Blood Pork Animals slaughtered in the name other than Allah Alcoholic Beverages (=Khamr) Animal with pointed teeth and claw Amphibia animal Parts of Human Body
Halal critical points of cosmetic materials
Why Cosmetics should be Halal? LPPOM MUI The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs And Cosmetics, the Indonesian Council of Ulama Why Cosmetics should be Halal? It may contain haram and najis materials Haram and najis materials are forbidden to be consumed by muslim cosmetics that may be eaten or swallowed must not contain haram and najis materials Muslim must be pure from any najis material in performing praying cosmetics that is used on external body must not contain najis materials
Source of application tools LPPOM MUI The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs And Cosmetics, the Indonesian Council of Ulama Critical Points Of Cosmetics or Personal Care Material Source of ingredients animal, human, microbial, synthetic, plant. Source of application tools brushes for rouge, lipstick, face powder, etc ; toothbrush.
Examples Of Critical Cosmetics Ingredients According To Its Source PLANT : Additives? Processing aids? Synthetic Chemicals If Organic? Processing aids? HUMAN Forbidden! MICROBIAL Khamr? Source of media? Processing aids? GMO using haram gen? ANIMAL Species of animal? Slaughtering? Additives? Processing aids? Examples: Plant extract (solvent? methods? can use animal fat) Fatty acid and its derivates (enzymes as processing aids?) Vitamin A, C, E (source, coating agent?) Glycerol or glycerin (source?) Examples: Vitamin A, C, E (coating agent?)? Examples: Keratin from human hair Albumin Placenta Examples: Alpha hydroxy aciid Co Q10 Alcohol Vitamin C Hyaluronic acid Examples: Collagen, elastin, placenta Fatty acid and its derivates? Fat (tallow, lanolin, lard ) Enzyme? Glycerine or glycerol? Amino acid or peptide or protein? Hormone? Hair/bristle for brushes
Halal certificate is important for halal products guarantee LPPOM MUI The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs And Cosmetics, the Indonesian Council of Ulama Halal certificate is important for halal products guarantee
HALAL CERTIFICATION IN INDONESIA LPPOM MUI The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs And Cosmetics, the Indonesian Council of Ulama HALAL CERTIFICATION IN INDONESIA
LPPOM MUI The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs And Cosmetics, the Indonesian Council of Ulama Act No. 33 Year 2014 Halal is mandatory for all product except for Haram Product (article 26). Product : goods and/or services related to food, beverages, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, chemicals, biological and GMO, as well as the goods to be used or utilized by community Mandatory of halal certification will come into force after 5 years since this law was enacted. Before mandatory halal is enforced, Government has a right to implement mandatory halal gradually through Government Regulation Article 1.1 Article 67
Halal Certificate is issued by MUI LPPOM MUI The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs And Cosmetics, the Indonesian Council of Ulama Halal Certificate is issued by MUI As a written fatwa which states the halalness of a product based on the audit process conducted by LPPOM MUI. Halal Logo Permit to put on retail product packaging is given by National Agency for Drugs and Food Control (BPOM) based on MUI certificate.
(Majelis Ulama Indonesia / The Indonesian Council of Ulama) LPPOM MUI The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs And Cosmetics, the Indonesian Council of Ulama MUI and LPPOM MUI MUI (Majelis Ulama Indonesia / The Indonesian Council of Ulama) a non government body as umbrella of muslim organizations in Indonesia. LPPOM MUI (Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan Obat-obatan dan Kosmetika Majelis Ulama Indonesia/ The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics Indonesian Council of Ulama) a non government institution formed by MUI to run MUI function in halal certification.
LPPOM MUI The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs And Cosmetics, the Indonesian Council of Ulama HAS Criteria Halal policy Halal management team Training and education Material Product Production facility Written procedures for critical activities Traceability The product handling for product that not meet criteria Internal audit Management review
Cosmetics product must be able to be penetrated by water. LPPOM MUI The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs And Cosmetics, the Indonesian Council of Ulama Special Criteria for Cosmetics Product Cosmetics product must be able to be penetrated by water. Name, label and shape of packaging shall not tend to pornography
Procedures of Online Halal Certification ( CEROL - SS23000 ) www. e-lppommui.org Sign Up - Login Registration Registration Payment Approval of Registration Payment Certification Data Upload Contract Making Pre Audit Pre-Audit Monitoring Contract Payment Audit Audit Monitoring Approval of Contract Payment HAS Assessment HAS Monitoring Fatwa Commission (FC) FC Monitoring Important Principles in Halal Certification of MUI : Scientific Judgement (LPPOM MUI) Shariah Judgement (Fatwa Commission MUI) Halal Certificate Upload Company Halal Certificate Download LPPOM MUI
YEAR Company Product 2014 22 2296 2015 37 1603 2016 44 3038 Total 103 LPPOM MUI The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs And Cosmetics, the Indonesian Council of Ulama Cosmetics Products with Halal Certificate in Indonesia YEAR Company Product 2014 22 2296 2015 37 1603 2016 44 3038 Total 103 6937 Source: (LPPOM MUI, Oct 2016)
LPPOM MUI The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs And Cosmetics, the Indonesian Council of Ulama Proportion of Halal MUI Certified Cosmetics Products Compare to BPOM Registered Products = 8.7%
LPPOM MUI Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan Obat-obatan & Kosmetika Majelis Ulama Indonesia MUI Halal Information Real Time Halal Info Through: Website Social Media Contact center Mobile apps Accessible Anytime and Anywhere: Desktop Mobile apps (BB & Android) Accessible Halal Data Product Through: Online and hardcopy (website, jurnal halal, halal directory, mobile APPS, apps)
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION LPPOM MUI The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs And Cosmetics, the Indonesian Council of Ulama THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Further Information Gedung Majelis Ulama Indonesia Lt.3, Jl. Proklamasi No. 51 Menteng – Jakarta Pusat Phone: 021 3918915 Gedung Global Halal Center Jl. Pemuda No. 5, Bogor, Jawa Barat, INDONESIA Phone: 0251 8358748 Fax: 0251 8358747 Email : info@halalmui.org services@halalmui.org