Climate Service and WIS under GFCS


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Presentation transcript:

Climate Service and WIS under GFCS Ju-Yon IM, Kyungsuk CHO, and Won-Tae YUN Korea Meteorological Administration

Contents Global Framework for Climate Services - Interactions between Global, Regional, and National levels Information Flows - Global level Services - Regional level Services - National level Services Summary and Future Plan

Global Framework for Climate Services WCC-3 (Switzerland, ‘09.8.31-9.4) Establishment of the Global Framework for Climate Change(GFCS)

Global Framework for Climate Service GOAL Five Pillars of GFCS Enable better management of the risks of climate variability and change and adaptation to climate change at all levels, through development and incorporation of science-based climate information and prediction into planning, policy and practice Sectoral Priorities Agriculture and Food Security Disaster Risk Reduction Water Health

Interactions between three levels data & product flows Framework elements Feedback & demand Global Global Centers receive and process nationally generated data, and produce and distribute data and products Observation Research Information System User Interfacing Capacity Building Products globally expressed needs from stakeholders at all levels, both suppliers and users Regional Regional centers & some within-regional collection and exchange of data and products Stakeholders within the region, particularly national organizations national Source of almost all data and products, for within-country use and for exchange to other countries Services Primary focus on national needs

Information Flows UIP CSIS Users

Information Flows UIP RCOF NCOF Global users Regional users National users UIP RCOF NCOF Global Producing Centres(GPCs) Regional Climate Centres(RCCs) National Climate Centres(NCDC) Climate Analysis, Monitoring and Prediction Centers Global data centres Regional data centres National data centres Climate Data Centres Global Systems Regional systems National systems Climate Observing Systems : Climate data : value-added climate information

Global Producing Centres GPCs adhere to defined standards – aiding consistency and usability of output: a fixed forecast production cycle a standard set of forecast products WMO-defined verification standards (for retrospective forecasts) Lead Centres for WMO Standard Verification System for Long-Range Forecasts (SVSLRF) at Melbourne and LRF Multi-Model Ensembles (LRFMME) at Seoul

Lead Centre for LRFMME Goal : Provide a conduit for sharing the model data for long-term climate prediction products Develop a well-calibrated Multi-model ensemble system Primary Functions : Collect an agreed set of forecast data from GPCs Display GPCs forecasts in standard format Promote research and experience in MME techniques & support on MME techniques to GPCs, RCCs, and NMHSs Generate an agreed set of Lead Centre products Redistribute digital forecast data for those GPCs GPC ••• RCC RCOFs NMHS RC RCCs Lead Centre for LRF MME

Lead Centre for LRFMME Activities of LC-LRFMME Training Support for RCOFs Support for epidemic control Training PRESAO, GHACOF, FOCRAII, SASCOF Improvement of Meteorological Disaster Responsiveness for African Countries(May 2011) Climate Variability and Predictions in South Asia, Eastern and Southeastern Africa(April 2011) Climate Prediction for African region WMO, IRI(US), SADC Drought Monitoring Centre

Regional Climate Centres WMO RCCs/RCC Networks perform well-defined regional-scale climate functions Mandatory Functions: Operational Activities for LRF Operational Activities for Climate Monitoring Operational Data Services to support operational LRF and climate monitoring Training in the use of operational RCC products and services RCCs/RCC Networks will be complementary to and supportive of NMHSs Designated RCCs Pilot RCC Networks BCC TCC NEACC ICPAC ACMAD CIIFEN Pilot RCCs Pilot RCCs by 2012 Pilot RCC Networks by 2012 Pilot RCCs in development SADC-CSC

Regional Climate Outlook Forum A key component of WMO Climate Information and Prediction Services project activities WMO and a number of national, regional and international organizations (e.g., NOAA, IRI, Meteo France, World Bank, etc.) have supported their growth and expansion SEECOF (Southeastern Europe) FOCRAII (Asia) PICOF (Pacific Islands) SARCOF (Southern Africa) SSACOF (Southeast of South America) WCSACOF (Western Coast of South America) PRESAO (West Africa) GHACOF (Greater Horn of Africa) FCCA (Central America) CCOF (Caribbean) PRESAC (Central Africa) SASCOF (India) EASCOF (East Asia) NEBCOF NEACOF

CORDEX-East Asia Databank CORDEX (Coordinated Regional climate Downscaling Experiment) program supporting by WCRP (World Climate Research Program) international coordinated framework to produce regional climate change projections within the 5th IPCC Assessment Report (AR5) timeline CORDEX-East Asia databank ( A web portal for user friendly system Climate Projections produced 3 domestic universities and NIMR/KMA - National Institute of Meteorological Research/KMA - Seoul National Univ., Yonsei Univ., and Kongju National Univ. KMA will operate the databank since the end of December 2012

CORDEX-East Asia Databank CORDEX-East Asia domain (50km horizontal resolution) Three classes of variables : Core, relevant to all communities (or users): - monthly and seasonal mean (43 variables) Tier 1, relevant to most communities (or users): - daily surface/selected upper air data (59 variables) Tier 2, higher frequency and more complete atmospheric/surface variables (37 variables of 6-hourly and 13 variables of 3-hourly)

CORDEX-East Asia Databank All output format and variables are followed as CORDEX Archive Design proposed by DMI (Danish Meteorological Institute) Two options for data download : Search download & Direct download

CORDEX-East Asia Databank CORDEX-East Asia databank produces graphical products based on core variables and additionally anomalies can be calculated by users using simple statistics

NMHSs : Underpinning the GFCS NMHSs are mandated by the WMO Convention to observing and understanding of weather and climate and in providing meteorological (including climatological), hydrological and related services in support of relevant national needs NMHSs are structured and trained to provide services NMHSs through collaborative mechanism have established standard practices across the globe for weather services Users deal with weather and climate information in a seamless manner, and it greatly helps them to meet all their weather and climate information needs through a ‘single window’; NMHSs can effectively provide such a single window NMHSs and their partners constitute a large pool of technical experts dealing with weather and climate

Roles of NMHSs NMHSs own and operate most of the infrastructure that is needed for providing the weather, climate, water and related environmental services, including observing systems, data management, prediction, communications and data exchange, etc. GFCS will contribute to the further development of this capability by working with the NMHSs.

National-level Climate Services KMA webpage : - Long-range forecast, climate projection - Climate data of Korea and other countries - Meteorological resource map on wind and solar energy Climate Change Information Centre(CCIC) : - Climate change projection(scenarios) - Observation info on atmospheric composition for climate change watch Climate Change Projection(1km)

National Climate Data Centre To provide the right information to the right people at the right time to make the right decisions Establishment the National Climate Data Center (NCDC) (including META data)

KMA’s Efforts for WIS GISC Seoul for central Asia < Republic of Korea > DCPC for WAMIS : World Agricultural Meteorological Information System DCPC for LC-LRFMME : Lead Centre for Long-Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble DCPC for NMSC : National Meteorological Satellite Centre NC for NMC : National Meteorological Centre < Uzbekistan > DCPC for RHT : Regional Telecommunication Hub < Pakistan >

Summary & Future plan WMO is looking forward to GFCS as a major step forward in systematically providing climate information for decision making at various levels of climate-sensitive sectors. KMA continues to make an efforts to establish the framework for climate services based on needs of users as well as to strengthen collaboration with global, regional, and national stakeholders. GISC-Seoul will play a major role to share and distribute data and products at all levels as the CSIS. As an approval of Implementation plan for GFCS(Oct., 2012), KMA is in course of preparation for the Korean GFCS implementation plan in detail

Summary & Future plan A schematic of the five pillars of the GFCS in Korea Capacity development User groups : government, private, research, agriculture, water, health, environment, travel, transport, etc. User Interface Platform Operator : sectoral specialized center Food security Health Water Disaster Risk Reduction Energy Climate Service Information Center Operator : KMA(GISC-Seoul, NCDC) Research, Modeling, Prediction KMA/NIMR, APCC, Univs., Research institutes/groups Observation & Monitoring KMA, government (WIS)

Korea Meteorological Administration Thank you Korea Meteorological Administration