1 Corinthians 1:10 (NKJV) 10 Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.
Knowing God’s Word First Corinthians
Knowing God’s Word Last week we took a look at the book of Romans, an epistle of Paul written to the church in Rome This week we move onto the book of First Corinthians I Corinthians is the 7th book in the NT and is the 2nd of the Pauline Epistles (Romans through Philemon)
Knowing God’s Word Paul is the author of the book of I Corinthians (1:1; 16:21) The indication is that Paul was in Ephesus when he wrote this letter to the church in Corinth (16:8) Paul, at this time, had spent about 3 years in Ephesus (Acts 19)
Knowing God’s Word Paul wrote this letter while on his 3rd missionary journey, right before Pentecost This would put the date of writing sometime around 57 AD Most believe this would make it Paul’s 4th epistle in order of writing
Knowing God’s Word Paul was one who was instrumental in starting the church in Corinth (Acts 18:1-18) Paul said he had begotten them through the gospel (4:15) So we understand Paul’s great love and concern for a church that he had much to do with the beginnings of
Knowing God’s Word Some history of Corinth will give us insight into this epistle Corinth was completely destroyed by the Romans in 146 BC In 46 BC, Julius Caesar rebuilt the city and it soon flourished and grew, but along with this came wickedness
Knowing God’s Word The city was a place where many false gods and idols were worshipped It was a great center of paganism, which makes it amazing that there were those there willing to follow Christ Many problems for Christians centered around idol worship and the sexuality that accompanied it
Knowing God’s Word Paul writes this letter to Corinth out of necessity This was a church that had many problems that Paul had heard about and needed to address (1:11) They had also apparently written a letter to Paul and asked some questions (7:1)
Knowing God’s Word Paul addressed the problems of: Division Incest Lawsuits Marriage Abuse of the Lord’s Supper Denial of the Resurrection
Knowing God’s Word So we could really see that the church at Corinth was a church that had problems Remember also what many of them had come out of to follow Christ (6:9-11) Paul is doing his best to correct these problems and to teach them how they should act and believe
Knowing God’s Word Key Verses in I Corinthians: 1:10 1:25 2:2, 13 3:6 5:6 6:9-11, 19-20
Knowing God’s Word Key Verses in I Corinthians: 9:16, 19-23 10:11-13 11:23-26 12:13 13 14:15, 33, 40
Knowing God’s Word Key Verses in I Corinthians: 15:1-4 15:58 16:1-2 16:13-14
Knowing God’s Word Outline of I Corinthians: Introduction (1:1-9) Problems Reported (1:10-6:20) Divisions in the Church (1:10-4:21) Sexual Immorality (5) Lawsuits Among Brethren (6:1-11) Moral Defilements (6:12-20)
Knowing God’s Word Outline of I Corinthians: Problems Written About (7:1-16:4) Marriage & Celibacy (7) Eating Meats Sacrificed to Idols (8:1-11:1) Women’s Head Coverings (11:2-16) The Lord’s Supper (11:17-34) Spiritual Gifts (12:1-14:40)
Knowing God’s Word Outline of I Corinthians: Problems Written About (7:1-16:4) Resurrection From the Dead (15) Collection For the Saints (16:1-4) Closing Remarks (16:5-24)