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PEAK EXPERIENCES AWAIT Find the Graded Summary Report on the last slide. PEAK EXPERIENCES AWAIT Mountain Biking in the Rocky Mountains This file created specifically for DANIEL ABRAMSON

What to expect Beautiful scenery A memorable experience Encounters

A Natural Environment Don’t forget your camera!

Hidden Surprises Natural camouflage

Challenges Rugged terrain Hills Water crossings Endurance

Expect the Unexpected Stay focused You don’t know what’s around the next turn.

Sharing the trail Other bikers Hikers

Dangerous Conditions Changes in the trail Changes in the weather Wildlife

Changes in the Trail Rocks Mud Tree limbs Cliffs Is this a cliff?

Changes in the Weather Lightning Heavy rain Snow Is this a cliff?

Wildlife Coyotes Rattlesnakes Bison Cougars

DANIEL ABRAMSON Shelly Cashman PowerPoint 2013 Chapter 3: SAM Project 1a Submission #3 Score is 100 out of 100 1. Apply the first variant of the Ion theme to the presentation. 5/5   Change the theme variant. 2. On Slide 1 (“Peak Experiences Await”), move the subtitle placeholder so that it is positioned directly above the title placeholder. Move a text box. 3. With Slide 1 still displaying, insert a new slide with the Title and Content layout. Enter What to Expect in the title placeholder, change the font size to 48 pt., and bold the text. Insert a slide. Enter a slide title. Change the font size of text. Change the font style of text. 4. Encounters Insert a bulleted list item. 5. On Slide 3, (“A Natural Environment”), apply the picture effect Green, 18 pt. glow, Accent color 4, (4th column, 4th row in the Glow section of the Picture Effect gallery) to the picture. Apply a picture effect. 6. On Slide 4 (“Hidden Surprises”), move the “Natural camouflage” text box so that it overlays the picture and is positioned on the right side of the deer. 7. On Slide 5 (“Challenges”), left-align the title. Align text. 8. With Slide 5 still displaying, apply the Appear animation to the bulleted list using the default start On Click setting. Animate a bulleted list. Change the start setting of an animation. 9. On Slide 6 (“Expect the Unexpected”), recolor the picture by applying Green, Accent Color 4 Dark (5th column, 2nd row in the Recolor section of the Color gallery). Recolor an image. 10. On Slide 6 (“Expect the Unexpected”), insert a text box on the right side of the picture. Enter Stay focused in the text box. Insert and position a text box. Insert text in a text box. 11. With Slide 6 still displaying, insert a new slide with the Two Content layout. Enter Sharing the Trail in the title placeholder, change the font size to 48 pt., and bold the text. 12. Hikers 13. With Slide 7 still displaying, insert the video file support_SC_P13_C3_P1a_bikers.m4v available for download from the SAM website in the right content placeholder. Use the default start On Click setting. Insert a video clip. Change the start setting of a video. 14. On Slide 8 (“Dangerous Conditions”), select the middle object (“Changes in the weather”) and apply the Send to Back command to it. Send an object back. 15. On Slide 9 (“Changes in the Trail”), apply the Wipe animation (6th option in the Entrance section of the Animation gallery) to the arrow shape using the default start On Click setting. 16. On Slide 10 (“Changes in the Weather”), apply the Chalk Sketch Artistic Effect (1st column, 2nd row in the Artistic Effects gallery) to the image. Apply an Artistic Effect to a picture. 17. With Slide 10 still displaying, insert a new slide with the Two Content layout. Enter Wildlife in the title placeholder, change the font size to 48 pt., and bold the text. 18. Cougars 19. With Slide 11 still displaying, delete the content placeholder on the right. Delete a content placeholder. 20. Check the Spelling in the presentation to identify and correct any spelling errors. (Hint: You should find and correct at least 1 spelling error.) Run the slide show to review the slides, verify the animations, and confirm that the video plays when you click. Run a spell check.