Anthroposophic Medicine as integrative medicine Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Anthroposophic Medicine as integrative medicine AM is a science-based medical system, integrating conventional medicine with an anthroposophic perception of the human being AM uses both conventional and anthroposophic medicinal products (AMP), in addition special anthroposophic therapies like eurythmy therapy, artistic therapies, special nursing and physical therapies There is significant research activity in AM (ca. 100 scientific publications/anno) Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
What is integrative medicine? “Integrative medicine is the practice of medicine that reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole person, is informed by evidence, and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic approaches, healthcare professionals and disciplines to achieve optimal health and healing.” Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Why can anthroposophic medicine be seen as an example of best practice of integrative medicine? (1) importance of the relationship between doctor or therapist and patient patient is part of the healing process Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Why can anthroposophic medicine be seen as an example of best practice of integrative medicine? (2) Focuses on the whole person AM takes into account the different levels of the human being physical level: surgery, physical interventions vitality improvement (salutogenesis) psychological/emotional level: intervention to lower/remove anxiety (psychotherapeutic, but also artistic therapies) individuality level (spiritual level, ego): improvement of self- confidence, sense of coherence Takes into account the human being in his/her biographic situation Assists further development through the management of crises Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Why can anthroposophic medicine be seen as an example of best practice of integrative medicine? (3) informed by evidence: interventions in AM are based on the understanding of the system of AM increasing research evidence (at the moment 100 papers/anno) Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Why can anthroposophic medicine be seen as an example of best practice of integrative medicine? (4) makes use of all appropriate therapeutic approaches of conventional medicine and anthroposophic therapeutic modalities Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Why can anthroposophic medicine be seen as an example of best practice of integrative medicine? (5) Makes use of all healthcare professionals Doctors (in all specialisations) Nurses Physiotherapists Psychotherapists Dietary coaches Eurythmy therapists Art therapists Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Anthroposophic Medicine as integrative medicine AM is practiced since 1920 by licensed physicians (all fields of medicine) with additional special training in AM Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
The founders of anthroposophic medicine Dr.phil. Rudolf Steiner 1861-1925, philosopher and scientist Ita Wegman 1876-1943, medical doctor Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Principles of anthroposophic medicine AM starts with a conventional diagnosis, but includes in its assessment of the patient the imbalances of the body and a psychological, mental and spiritual dimension Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Anthroposophic Medicine Conventional medicine Homeopathy Anthroposophic medicinal products and therapies Anthroposophic nurses, dietary, physiotherapy, eurythmy therapy, therapeutic arts and psychotherapy Phytotherapy Anthroposophic Medicine Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Principles of anthroposophic medicine …focuses on the whole person… AM takes a holistic approach to health and offers specific therapies enhanced according to anthroposophic principles Both the treatment approach and the use and selection of medicinal products and other therapies are highly individualised and intend to bring about a ‘process of development’ within the patient, reinforcing the patient’s natural ability for self-healing and restoring of the health balance Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Principles of anthroposophic medicine Anthroposophic medicinal products and therapies stimulate the self healing forces of the patient AM aims to put forward patient-competence enableing the patient to participate well informed actively in the process of healing Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Integration into the Health System Anthroposophic hospitals AM is provided in 24 hospitals in 5 EU member states and Switzerland 14 having Accident & Emergency services, 2 are university teaching hospitals Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Anthroposophic hospitals Filderklinik Stuttgart, Germany Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Anthroposophic hospitals Witten/Herdecke district hospital: founded 1966, 440 beds Filderklinik Stuttgart, founded1975, 219 beds Havelhöhe district hospital in Berlin, founded 1995, 318 beds Ita Wegman Klinik Switzerland Vidarklinik, Järna, Sweden Lievegoedkliniek, the Netherlands Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Clinical-Therapeutic Institute 1921 Ita Wegman Clinic 2008 Arlesheim (CH) Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Anthroposophic medicine Integration into legislation In Germany AM is since 1976 defined as “special therapeutic system” [Besondere Therapierichtung] in the Code of German Social Law (Sozialgesetzbuch V) In Switzerland anthroposophic medicine is defined as part of CAM under constitutional law In other countries anthroposophic medical products, AMP, are in pharmaceutical law Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Anthroposophic medicine in Europe (1) AM is practiced by more than 2700 fully AM trained licensed medical doctors in 21 EU member states, Norway and Switzerland In addition AM is prescribed by about 15.000 physicians with various levels of training The number of ex tempore prescribers may be even 36.000 physicians Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
AM in Europe (2) Anthroposophic therapies are provided by >7000 anthroposophic therapists and nurses in 25 EU members states (exception of Luxembourg and Slovakia) Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
AM is regularly taught at universities and medical schools in 7 EU Member states and Switzerland Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Anthroposophic medicine in Europe (3) AM is provided in >120 outpatient centres in 14 EU member states, Norway and Switzerland AM is provided in >500 institutions for people with learning disabilities in 19 EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Anthroposophic medicine as integrative medicine AM is a typical method of integrative medicine AM is well integrated into the general Health Care System in many countries like Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, UK AMPs can be safely handled as a total of remedies of a medical system rather than a bunch of separate groups of different categories for registration In Germany the committee of experts within the National Compentent Authority (Commission C within BfArM) has been proven useful for the regulation of AMPs Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Challenges for AM and AMP in Europe The legal situation for AMP is not satisfactory, as Dir 2001/83 does not provide the basis for regulations in EU MS which are adequate to the special features of AM with exception of Germany and Switzerland In particular the availability of injectables (ampulles) and AMP applied by other routes than orally or externally - and medicines used with indications (f.e. mistletoe) is unsecured Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
UN-Availability of Anthroposophic medicinal products AMP Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Recommandations for AM and AMP in Europe Models of integrative medicine should be integrated into Public Health Policies in all EU MS Research projects like CAMbrella should be propagated Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
National slides Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Anthroposophic medicine Bring here facts about AM in your own country. Be aware that small numbers work against you so if so try to avoid them. Better bring pictures of what there is. Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Anthroposophic medicine as integrative medicine Conclusion: Anthroposophic medicine is an example of integrative medicine existing for 90 years in Europe and …….years in our country. Patients are asking for it. It is important for AM in this country that:……….. Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine
Challenges for AM and AMP in Europe (2) Free cross border movement of patients is implemented only in theory (i.e. a patient from Finland can attend a physician in Germany) but the current legal framework does not guarantee that the patient gets his or her prescription in his/here home country Presentation Anthroposophic Medicine