The student will understand the causes and effects of WWI. Jeopardy! Standard VI A: The student will understand the causes and effects of WWI.
The student will understand the causes and effects of WWI. JEOPARDY! Click Once to Begin Standard VI A: The student will understand the causes and effects of WWI.
JEOPARDY! Pre-WWI Reasons for WWI Early 1900’s Foreign Issues Domestic Issues On the Homefront 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500
Answer 1-100 U.S. involvement in Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Philippines, and the Panama Canal were all examples of….? Imperialism
Because it needed new markets to sell American goods Answer 1-200 Why did the U.S. begin to engage in imperialism in the late 1800’s? Because it needed new markets to sell American goods
Answer 1-300 Why did the U.S. want to gain control and install a provisional government in Hawaii under the leadership of Sanford B. Dole? To gain control of sugar plantations (imperialism)
Zimmerman Note Answer 1-400 What German document encouraged Mexico to invade the U.S. during WWI? Zimmerman Note
Answer 1-500 The Zimmerman note, the sinking of the Lusitania, and unrestricted submarine warfare were all causes of…? WWI
Answer 2-100 What were the four main causes of WWI? M: Militarism A: Alliance System I: Imperialism N: Nationalism
Archduke Franz Ferdinand Answer 2-200 Whose assassination started WWI? Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Answer 2-300 What term describes the desire to control territories through economic, political, or military means? Imperialism
Answer 2-400 What term describes the belief that one’s national goals and culture are superior to the goals and cultures of all other nations? Nationalism
Answer 2-500 What term is used to describe the build-up of military forces in a nation? Militarism
Answer 3-100 What were the gas-filled airships called that were first used during WWI? Zeppelins
Answer 3-200 What was the name given to German submarines during WWI? U-Boats
Open Door Policy Answer 3-300 What was the name of the economic policy proposed by John Hay that allowed the U.S. to trade in China? Open Door Policy
The Rough Riders Answer 3-400 What was the name of Theodore Roosevelt’s military unit that fought during the Spanish-American War? The Rough Riders
Yellow Journalism Answer 3-500 What type of journalism was used to persuade the U.S. to intervene in Cuba? (It also resulted in greater newspaper sales.) Yellow Journalism
Daily Double!!! The DeLome Letter Answer 4-100 What document was written by the Spanish Ambassador to the U.S. that criticized President McKinley? The DeLome Letter
Answer 4-200 The explosion of what ship led to a U.S. declaration of war against Spain in 1898? The U.S.S. Maine
Answer 4-300 During the Spanish-American War, Admiral George Dewey was sent to the Philippines to gain control of what area? Manila Bay
The Panama Canal Answer 4-400 What was built to decrease the travel time between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans? The Panama Canal
Answer 4-500 What Alabama doctor eradicated the threat of yellow fever? (Yellow fever was commonly spread by mosquitoes while Americans were building the Panama Canal.) Dr. William Gorgas
Answer 5-100 What was the name of the addition to the Monroe Doctrine that declared the U.S. had the right to protect its economic interests in the Western Hemisphere? The Roosevelt Corollary
Answer 5-200 What act provided the U.S. with the soldiers needed to fight in WWI? The Selective Service Act (which resulted in the draft)
Daily Double!!! Answer 5-300 The Committee on Public Information What was the name of the U.S. agency that used propaganda to encourage the U.S. mobilization for WWI? The Committee on Public Information
Answer 5-400 Why did the number of women factory workers increase during WWI? They had to assume jobs vacated by men who were fighting in WWI
Answer 5-500 Which group did the U.S. align with, the Allies or the Central Powers? The Allies
Answer 6-100 What did the Food Administration, an agency of the U.S. government, do to ration food supplies during WWI? Created meatless and wheatless days to reduce civilian consumption and allow more food to be sent to troops
Answer 6-200 What immigrant group in the U.S. was discriminated against during WWI? Germans
Answer 6-300 The Great Migration What term describes the early 1900s movement of African Americans from the rural South to Northern cities in a quest for jobs? The Great Migration
Answer 6-400 What group of Americans entered the workforce in a new capacity during WWI as they took the place of men who were serving in the war? Women
Answer 6-500 What was the name of the plan for peace and freedom President Wilson proposed after WWI? The 14 Points