Happy Tuesday Pick up the handout from the desk at the front of the room. Being working on the Quote Analysis activity!
Preview Activity Read Quote 1 from President Wilson and identify his position towards WWI in 1914: “stay neutral” or “declare war”? Identify one or more reasons he gave to support his position. Read Quote 2 from President Wilson and identify his position towards WWI in 1917: “stay neutral” or “declare war”? Identify one or more reasons he gave to support his position. Predict: What might have happened in those three years to make him change his position?
America’s Changing Policy Today’s LEQ: Was it in the best interest of the U.S. to stay neutral or declare war in 1914? Why does this policy change by 1917? America’s Changing Policy
Why Neutrality in 1914? We made money selling supplies to both sides Huge immigrant population representing countries on both sides of the war American tradition of staying out of foreign wars – “it’s over there...”
The United States Entry into World War I
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare British blockades of Germany strangled the country Germany resorted to submarines to get around the blockades & to sink ships from any country supplying their enemy
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare 1915 , Germany sank British liner named Lusitania It was carrying weapons and ammunition 1,198 died; 128 Americans
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare 1916 – Germany sank French liner named the Sussex Many Americans were injured
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Germany signed the Sussex Pledge – promised to announce themselves to ships before firing on them Asked U.S. to help end blockade of Germany – we said NO! Germany had many starving; by 1917 they break pledge and declare unrestricted submarine warfare U.S. breaks off relations with Central Powers
Zimmerman Note Britain intercepts note sent by German foreign minister, Arthur Zimmermann, to German minister in Mexico Proposed an alliance between Germany and Mexico Asked Mexico to attack the U.S. in order to re-capture their lost lands
Zimmermann Note The plan was to keep the U.S. out of Europe long enough so that Germany could win the war before we arrived on behalf of the Allies Wilson released letter to press
Wilson’s War Message April 2, 1917 – Wilson asked Congress to declare war Stated “the world must be made safe for democracy.” Congress declared war!
Annotated Timeline Beginning with 1914, briefly summarize each event provided. Write “Stay Neutral” or “Declare War” beneath each event to show how you believe the U.S. should have reacted to that event. Provide a reason why. When and if you decide the U.S. should have declared war, write “Fight War” for the remaining events on the timeline. Then, write an S.O.S. response that answers the question, Was it in the national interest of the United States to stay neutral or declare war in 1917? State your position Offer reasons (at least two reasons) Supply specific evidence and support for each reason provided.
Stop, Collaborate, and Listen. Partner up! Exchange ideas and collaborate on your final S.O.S. response. Write an amazing paragraph on poster paper and be ready to share! This is a competition and your peers will be voting on the best response.