MUG Wednesday August 17, 2016
Agenda Introductions-Brag Google Analytics annual report comparisons mobile data discussion MUG Survey Results overview discussion Video Marketing Campaign
Google Analytics Annual Stats-2015 vs 2016-Handouts
Google Analytics Annual Stats- 2015 vs 2016
Takeaways Google Analytics High Bounce Rate-May mean need to try to engage more or users are finding what they need quicker. Overall Increase in Users Overall Increase in Pageviews Annual Stats-2015 vs 2016
Google Analytics Mobile Stats 2015 vs. 2016
MUG Survey Results
Survey Takeaways Time Issue: Dedicated Subjects: Will Try to Alternate Days or come up with a day that generally works Feel free to reach out to me if you cannot make a MUG meeting that you would like to make sure you can get the information from.-I will share it with you or revisit it in a later meeting. Feel free to invite co-workers or grad students, etc to go in your place. Dedicated Subjects: Will be scheduling more in-depth subject coverage Fall MUG-Dedicated to Social Media Fall MUG-Dedicated to Cascade Refresher Training Will be inviting you to suggest topics you would like to see covered regularly
The Video Campaign Process
WHY? Where to Start Why do you want to do a video campaign? How does it fit in with the rest of the campaign? *SAM can help.
Ask yourself questions…* Who is your audience? (Students? Parents? Staff?) What is the purpose?(Event? Awareness? Brand?) How do you want it to ‘feel’? What is the tone/voice? How will it be viewed? (Online?, Presentation? TVs?) What action do you want the audience to take or feel? What is your overall message? *SAM can help.
Don’t Go it Alone…* Focus Groups Cannot Emphasize enough the importance of FEEDBACK FROM YOUR INTENDED AUDIENCE. Go through the answers to your questions and overall message and make sure you are on the right track and sending the most effective message for your end result. *SAM can help.
How to tell your story… Determine the best way to get your message across.* *This is where SAM can help! Interview At Camera Off Camera Who is speaking Informational/Awareness Story Sound Audio Captions Music Infographics Visuals/B-Roll Tone/Voice Humor Dramatic Serious FOMO/Energy Empathy
What a Difference a Difference Makes What makes your event/resource/idea DIFFERENT than what else exists for your audience?
Developing your story… Keep it simple: The more you say to an audience, the less they hear. Stick to a simple story that leads to a resolution based on your memorable punch line/brand/action.
3 Act Story Structure Set Up Journey Beginning, Middle, & End Set Up Journey Resolution/Take Away “Feel” or “Do”
Where you Begin is where you end. Think Backwards You begin at the end because where you are going will inform you how you get there.
Invent Your ‘Hook’… Once you have your basic storyline with a beginning, middle, and end, you need to make sure you have a hook: the thing that's going to pique audience curiosity and make them stick around long enough to view the entire presentation. Examples: humor, empathy, energy
*Working With SAM *SAM can Help!
How SAM Can Help From the Start Discuss whether or not you need to or should do a video in the first place Help with your overall message. Determine end use that will be most effective. We have talented & smart students who will help shape your message. Our full time staff also can help shape your message to be most effective. Determine other ways to promote/tie in this campaign to other mediums. Find ways to cross-promote with other departments.
What Happens Next… You will be assigned a videographer or 2 that will take your message & initial content provided and create a ‘storyboard’ to visualize the beginning, middle, & end. You and your VC team will determine needs for the video: Location/s Model/s and/or Interview Subject/s Procure Dates Set Realistic Deadline
What Happens Next… You provide all necessary content as discussed in preliminary meetings by set date. Your videographer/s will provide a final draft or ‘script’ for your approval. Schedule will be set for shooting. Your involvement in actual shooting is up to you and your videographer.
And Then… Videographer Team begins edit Shares First Draft with you the client Makes Edits/Changes/Determine any reshooting needs More shooting if necessary Final Drafts and Edits are made You approve! That’s a Wrap! We get it up on YouTube and anywhere else it needs to be for you. We track via Google Analytics and from you how much traffic it is driving.
More Examples We Are Here-SES-awareness/interviews/empathy Dittmar Exhibit-visual/music/brand Dance Marathon-visual/music/FOMO POP-FOMO/energy/informational
Thank You! For this Powerpoint as well as past ones-visit our MUG Resources Page marketing/resources/mug-meetings/mug-resources/