Germs By: Armaan Mehta
Germs There are many different kinds of germs. The main four are: bacteria, fungus, protozoa, and viruses. Not all germs are bad. Some help your immune system and other organs work. Some give you sicknesses.
Bacteria A few micrometers long. Some have been left behind in fossils. Makes their own food out of: sunlight, iron, and tiny pieces of left-over food. Able to swim, glide, and ‘walk’. There are two kinds of bacteria: rods and cocci.
Viruses AKA ‘infectious agents’. Don’t eat anything since they are dead blobs of biochemical. Not all viruses are bad. The bad ones are called ‘pathogenic viruses’. There are two main types of viruses: the rhino and the influenza.
Fungus Has the ability to multiply. Causes cancer, disease, and other damage. There are 5.1 million species of fungi just in your body! Thrives in warm, moist places on and in your body.
Protozoa Its name means ‘first animal’. Gets food through pores in its body. Latches onto things with cilia (tiny hairs). Usually won’t harm the human body. Has the ability to multiply. Cilia
How People Get Sick People get sick by touching other people who they don’t know have been checked for germs. Shaking hands, hugging, high-fiving, fist bumping, and sharing food all fall under that category. Germs are transferred easily from person to person.
Preventing Germs Always wash your hands after contact with a stranger. Blow your nose so that fungi won’t form. Eat healthy meals. Clean cuts, scrapes, and scratches immediately so that you don’t get infected. Wear bug-spray.
Conclusion Most germs are good but some could be bad. Germs are easily spread. There are four main types of germs: protozoa, bacteria, fungus, and viruses. Preventing pathogenic germs from making you sick. Thank you for your time!!!!!!
bibliography Brain Parents They’re Alive (Book) The Microbiology Companion (Parents’ book)