Joint LIU / HLLHC day -15 October 2015 25 ns operation and MDs in the LHC – findings and consequences for the LIU and HL-LHC? G. Iadarola with input from: F. Antoniou, A. Apollonio, G. Arduini, H. Bartosik, N. Biancacci, L. Carver, S. Claudet, V. Kain. M. Kuhn, G.Ferlin, K. Li, L. Mether, E. Metral, A. Romano, G. Rumolo, B. Salvant, M. Schenk, L. Tavian, G. Trad, Y. Papaphilippou, G. Papotti Joint LIU / HLLHC day -15 October 2015
Outline Introduction e-cloud limitations with 25 ns beams: Scrubbing runs with 25 ns beams Intensity ramp-up with 25 ns at 6.5 TeV Other limitations: UFOs Transverse instabilities at high energy Achieved performance: Availability Losses and emittance blow-up (injection to collisions) Beam evolution in stable beams Luminosity observations Summary and first implications for HL-LHC
Outline Introduction e-cloud limitations with 25 ns beams: Scrubbing runs with 25 ns beams Intensity ramp-up with 25 ns at 6.5 TeV Other limitations: UFOs Transverse instabilities at high energy Achieved performance: Availability Losses and emittance blow-up (injection to collisions) Beam evolution in stable beams Luminosity observations Summary and first implications for HL-LHC
Recommissioning with beam Introduction The main goals of the 2015 run were to re-commission the machine after the Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) and explore operation at 6.5 TeV with 25 ns beams Expected challenges from e-cloud effects (as anticipated from 25 ns pilot run in 2012) Plenty of time allocated for scrubbing Decided to operate with ~nominal bunch parameters (injecting 1.1 x 1011 ppb in 2.5 um), relaxed machine configuration: b* = 80 cm in IP1 and IP5, relatively large crossing angles: No blocking issues so far from beam induced heating (also thanks to mitigations put in place during LS1), or from beam-beam effects 5 April 24 June 5 July Recommissioning with beam (low intensity, 6.5 TeV) Scrubbing Run 1 (450 GeV) Intensity Ramp-up (*) (50 ns – 6.5 TeV) TS1 MD1 25 July 10 August 7 September Scrubbing Run 2 (450 GeV) Intensity Ramp-up (*) (25 ns – 6.5 TeV) Intensity Ramp-up (25 ns – 6.5 TeV) MD2 +TS2 (*) Limited to ~450b. by radiation induced faults in QPS electronic boards (fixed during TS2)
Outline Introduction e-cloud limitations with 25 ns beams: Scrubbing runs with 25 ns beams Intensity ramp-up with 25 ns at 6.5 TeV Other limitations: UFOs Transverse instabilities at high energy Achieved performance: Availability Losses and emittance blow-up (injection to collisions) Beam evolution in stable beams Luminosity observations Summary and first implications for HL-LHC
Scrubbing for 25 ns operation Scrubbing Run 1: 24/6 – 2/7 Scrubbing Run 2: 24/6 – 2/7 50 ns L. Mether After LS1 the SEY was practically reset to what was observed at the beginning of Run 1 During (1+2) weeks of scrubbing, regularly filling the machine with up to ~2500b. with 25 ns spacing Main limitations: vacuum spikes at the TDI8, pressure rise in the MKIs and time required by cryogenics to handle transients on beam screen temperatures (should be better already in 2016) Reduction of the SEY could be inferred from heat load measurements and confirmed by steadily improving beam quality
Scrubbing for 25 ns operation Scrubbing Run 1: 24/6 – 2/7 Scrubbing Run 2: 24/6 – 2/7 50 ns L. Mether After LS1 the SEY was practically reset to what was observed at the beginning of Run 1 During (1+2) weeks of scrubbing, regularly filling the machine with up to ~2500b. with 25 ns spacing Main limitations: vacuum spikes at the TDI8, pressure rise in the MKIs and time required by cryogenics to handle transients on beam screen temperatures (should be better already in 2016) Reduction of the SEY could be inferred from heat load measurements and confirmed by steadily improving beam quality
Intensity ramp-up with 25 ns beams: beam dynamics Scrubbing Run provided sufficient mitigation against beam degradation at 450 GeV but full suppression of the e-cloud was not achieved During the physics intensity ramp-up we had to learn how to run the machine in the presence of the e-cloud Tricky to ensure beam stability at 450 GeV: need for high chromaticity and octupoles settings and for full transverse damper performance Slightly changed working point at injection to better accommodate large tune footprint from Q’, octupoles and e-cloud Octupole knob at -1.5 Q’=15/20, 5 x 1011 e/m3 Q’v=15 Qv=.305 Q’v=15 Qv=.300 Q’v=10 Qv=.305 (.28, .31) (.275, .295) A. Romano
Intensity ramp-up with 25 ns beams: heat loads Even with relatively low number of bunches, strong transients of the beam screen temperatures were observed, leading to loss of cryo-conditions (during injection, ramp and at the beam dump): Intensity ramp-up performed in “mini-steps” for fine tuning of cryo-regulations During the first stages, injection speed often decreased to control beam screen temperatures After careful analysis, it was decided to modify the interlock rules in order to allow for larger temperature excursion since then practically no loss of cryo-conditions during injection and ramp SR1 SR2 TS2 50 ns 25ns
Intensity ramp-up with 25 ns beams: heat loads Around ~1450b. we started approaching the limit of the available cooling capacity on the arc beams screens Increased longitudinal emittance blow-up on the ramp (bunch length target from 1.2 ns to 1.35 ns) and optimized filling scheme to gain additional margin Since last weekend running with 1825b. per ring: Sector 12 and 23 close to the margin of available cryo cooling capacity (some margin still available for the others - important to understand this difference) Cryo limit
Dipoles of the instrumented half-cells Intensity ramp-up with 25 ns beams: heat loads Scrubbing observed with physics fills at 6.5 TeV Hopefully gaining margin to further increase the number of bunches Scrubbing “memory” kept while running with 25 ns beams - deconditioning was observed after few weeks of low e-cloud operation Dipoles of the instrumented half-cells
Outline Introduction e-cloud limitations with 25 ns beams: Scrubbing runs with 25 ns beams Intensity ramp-up with 25 ns at 6.5 TeV Other limitations: UFOs Transverse instabilities at high energy Achieved performance: Availability Losses and emittance blow-up (injection to collisions) Beam evolution in stable beams Luminosity observations Summary and first implications for HL-LHC
UFOs UFO events observed quite often during operation at 6.5 TeV Over the last month (operating with >700b.) ~24% of the fills which reached stable beams were dumped by a UFO (9 dumps / 38 fills) – One UFO induced quench Conditioning is observed on the UFO rate in spite of the increasing number of bunches BLM thresholds being optimize to find a good compromise between availability and quench protection SR1 SR2 TS2 Low intensity 25 ns 50 ns 450b. 1800 b. G. Papotti
Transverse instabilities at high energy Critical in 2012 (with brighter and more intense bunches): instabilities observed at the end of the squeeze for many of the physics fills Situation easier in 2015 (with lower bunch intensity/brightness and larger b*): Running with large chromaticity, octupoles and transverse damper gain no instability observed along the cycle for physics fills with up to 1825b. Extensive work during commissioning and MD time to study stability limits versus Q’ and octupoles settings Model (ADT d-time:100 turns) 25 ns beams: stability thresholds 5x larger w.r.t. to single bunches probably effect of the e-cloud N. Biancacci, L. Carver, E. Metral
Outline Introduction e-cloud limitations with 25 ns beams: Scrubbing runs with 25 ns beams Intensity ramp-up with 25 ns at 6.5 TeV Other limitations: UFOs Transverse instabilities at high energy Achieved performance: Availability Losses and emittance blow-up (injection to collisions) Beam evolution in stable beams Luminosity observations Summary and first implications for HL-LHC
Luminosity evolution SR1 SR2 TS2 50 ns 25ns 25ns
Machine availability Period after TS2 (focused on intensity ramp-up with 25 ns beams, 4501800 bunches) Stable beam fraction 35% - remarkably close to 2012 performance (36.5%) ~ 44 h quench recovery (“child fault”) A. Apollonio, Availability Working Group
Intensity and emittance preservation (injection to collisions) HL-LHC loss budget From injectors F. Antoniou Excellent transmission along the cycle losses well within the 5% HL-LHC budget 3-3.5 um convoluted emittances at beginning of collisions (similar values in H and V) Injected emittances of the order to 2.5 um (see H. Bartosik) ~35% emittance blow-up, against HL-LHC allocated budget of 20% Much less blow-up observed with single bunches Possible culprits: e-cloud, high Q’ and octupoles, ADT noise (to be further investigated)
Beam evolution in “stable beams” Overall good emittance preservation in “stable beams” Slow damping observed in the vertical plane Some additional blow up w.r.t. expectations from IBS + Synchrotron Radiation (SR) Horizontal Vertical Expected (IBS+SR) Strong damping in longitudinal Burn-off consistent with model Bunch length [ns] Bunch intensity [p+] F. Antoniou
Integrated luminosity (12h) Luminosity observations 2012 (4 TeV, 50 ns) - Fill 3249 2015 (6.5 TeV 25 ns) – Fill 4485 2015 configuration with low bunch intensity, low brightness and relaxed b* results in: Low peak luminosity Long luminosity lifetime Integrated luminosity over a “typical” fill is very similar to what we used to get in 2012 2012 (4 TeV) 50 ns, 1380 b. 1.7e11 ppb, 1.6 um (inj.) b* = 60 cm 2015 (6.5 TeV) 25 ns, 1825 b. 1.1e11 ppb, 2.5 um (inj.) b* = 80 cm Peak luminosity 7200 (ub.s)-1 4500 (ub.s)-1 Integrated luminosity (12h) 0.18 fb-1 0.17 fb-1
Outline Introduction e-cloud limitations with 25 ns beams: Scrubbing runs with 25 ns beams Intensity ramp-up with 25 ns at 6.5 TeV Other limitations: UFOs Transverse instabilities at high energy Achieved performance: Availability Losses and emittance blow-up (injection to collisions) Beam evolution in stable beams Luminosity observations Summary and first implications for HL-LHC
Summary and first implications for HL-LHC SEY in the arcs was found reset to beginning of Run 1 ~3 weeks of scrubbing with 25 ns beams provided sufficient mitigation against beam degradation at 450 GeV but full suppression of the e-cloud was not achieved Intensity ramp-up dominated by impact of e-cloud effects: Beam degradation under control with strong Q’, octupoles, and high damper gain Cryogenics had to learn how to deal with high heat loads Heat load in Sector 12 presently limits to ~1800 bunches/ring but scrubbing is progressing with the physics fills UFOs still dump ~24 % of the physics fills, but UFO rate quickly improving Besides e-cloud, operation is quite smooth: machine availability over the last months is comparable to 2012 statistics despite having still lower peak luminosity w.r.t. 2012, we get similar integrated values per fill thanks to better luminosity lifetime Operation with 25 ns beams does not look impossible but SEY reduction looks quite time consuming Long intensity ramp-up to be expected after Long Shutdowns, also due to UFOs This time should be taken into account when making integrated luminosity projections
Thanks for your attention!
Losses To be updated
Reminder of doublet motivations 50 ns beam ~1400 bunches 1.7 x 1011 p/b 50 ns Scrubbing 25 ns Scrubbing Doublet Scrubbing 25 ns beam ~2800 bunches 1.15 x 1011 p/b No e-cloud in the dipoles Doublet beam ~900 doublets 0.7 x 1011 p/b
Reminder of doublet motivations 50 ns beam ~1400 bunches 1.7 x 1011 p/b 50 ns Scrubbing 25 ns Scrubbing Doublet Scrubbing The 25 ns had to lower the SEY below 2.1 for the 50 ns, the doublet should lower the SEY below 1.4 Scrubbing curve is logarithmic with the electron dose From scrubbing curves in the laboratory, the electron dose to decrease the SEY from 2.1 to 1.6 is more than one order of magnitude lower than what needed to decrease it further to below 1.4 We can apply this strategy if The trains of doublets can survive the e-cloud instabilities at injection (chromaticity, transverse damper, octupoles) It is possible to fill LHC with enough trains of doublets (though degraded) to produce significantly more heat load in the dipoles than the 25 ns beam at the knee of the e-cloud S-curve. The enhanced heat load should still be within the capacity of the cryogenic system, i.e the 25 ns beam should have margin (at least at 450 GeV)… 25 ns beam ~2800 bunches 1.15 x 1011 p/b No e-cloud in the dipoles Doublet beam ~900 doublets 0.7 x 1011 p/b The S-curves here are at injection, in reality the 25 ns point is even higher by a certain factor (~2) because of the e-cloud at high energy (photoelectrons), but then it loses a factor 1.5 due to the number of bunches. The cooling power line is lower at 6.5 TeV (about the half if we consider 1.3 W/m/aperture) Doublet scrubbing is profitable if: 1) the SEY should be such that we are well into the knee of the S-curve with the 25 ns beam, heat load lower than cooling capacity; 2) LHC can be filled with doublet trains with good enough quality as to obtain the required enhancement of the scrubbing flux. It could help is if the energy spectrum of the electrons with the doublets is higher and perhaps the scrubbing dose is larger for the same heat load. Even though the cooling power is lower at 6.5 TeV and at injection we could in principle tolerate higher heat loads, the beam degrades much more quickly at 450 GeV and the scrubbing flux decays rapidly
Reminder of doublet motivations 50 ns beam ~1400 bunches 1.7 x 1011 p/b 50 ns Scrubbing 25 ns Scrubbing Doublet Scrubbing The 25 ns had to lower the SEY below 2.1 for the 50 ns, the doublet should lower the SEY below 1.4 Scrubbing curve is logarithmic with the electron dose From scrubbing curves in the laboratory, the electron dose to decrease the SEY from 2.1 to 1.6 is more than one order of magnitude lower than what needed to decrease it further to below 1.4 We can apply this strategy if The trains of doublets can survive the e-cloud instabilities at injection (chromaticity, transverse damper, octupoles) It is possible to fill LHC with enough trains of doublets (though degraded) to produce significantly more heat load in the dipoles than the 25 ns beam at the knee of the e-cloud S-curve. The enhanced heat load should still be within the capacity of the cryogenic system, i.e the 25 ns beam should have margin (at least at 450 GeV)… 25 ns beam ~2800 bunches 1.15 x 1011 p/b No e-cloud in the dipoles Doublet beam ~900 doublets 0.7 x 1011 p/b The S-curves here are at injection, in reality the 25 ns point is even higher by a certain factor (~2) because of the e-cloud at high energy (photoelectrons), but then it loses a factor 1.5 due to the number of bunches. The cooling power line is lower at 6.5 TeV (about the half if we consider 1.3 W/m/aperture) Doublet scrubbing is profitable if: 1) the SEY should be such that we are well into the knee of the S-curve with the 25 ns beam, heat load lower than cooling capacity; 2) LHC can be filled with doublet trains with good enough quality as to obtain the required enhancement of the scrubbing flux. It could help is if the energy spectrum of the electrons with the doublets is higher and perhaps the scrubbing dose is larger for the same heat load. Even though the cooling power is lower at 6.5 TeV and at injection we could in principle tolerate higher heat loads, the beam degrades much more quickly at 450 GeV and the scrubbing flux decays rapidly
Alick MACPHERSON, Evian 2012