Santiago, Chile - Agosto, 2009 OIT - Modelo Seguro de riesgos profesionales Santiago, Chile - Agosto, 2009 Santiago - Chile
Data requirements Base data Demographic and economic assumptions Statistical and economic structure of the pensioner and insured population in the base year. Observation of scheme experience on benefit amounts, insurable earnings and biometric data. Demographic and economic assumptions Results of relevant ILO models (population model, labour force model, economic model, wage distribution model) or equivalent data. Estimation of the insured population based on labour market forecasts. Santiago - Chile
Key outputs Key outputs Detailed outputs Key results disaggregated Total amount of insurable earnings and number of contributors. Total amount of benefit expenditure and number of benefit recipients. Projected income/expenditure statement. Contribution rates based on alternative financing systems. Detailed outputs Key results disaggregated By categories of benefits (newly awarded or total in payment) For permanent disability and death benefits only By group (sex, category) By age Santiago - Chile
Workflow of the actuarial valuation Defining the benefits to be evaluated. Determining and collecting the required data. Analyzing data, establishing assumptions and preparing input files of the model. Modifying the projection program and performing actuarial projections. Analysing and reporting the results of projections. Santiago - Chile
Models enable projections of future benefit expenditures and the contribution base through year-by-year simulations; determination of future contribution rates under alternative financing methods; simulation of the development of the reserves of the scheme; assessment of the financial impact of modifications to the scheme (e.g. proposed reforms). Santiago - Chile
The ILO model family Santiago - Chile
Main financial systems pay-as-you-go (PAYG) system full-funding method terminal funding method (also known as “assessment of capital constituents”) Santiago - Chile
Simulation of the IloPensEII model Santiago - Chile
Model structure 1. Permanent incapacity and survivorship benefits 2. In-kind benefits 3. Temporary incapacity cash benefits 4. Analysis, report and conclusion Santiago - Chile
Structure of the projection Santiago - Chile
Contents of the input files Santiago - Chile
Contents of the input files Santiago - Chile
Projection Contents of the projection file Module flow of IloPensEII Figure III.1.2, page 34 Module flow of IloPensEII Figure III.1.3, page 35 Santiago - Chile
Contents of the output files Santiago - Chile
Contents of the output files Santiago - Chile
Simulation of in-kind benefits Santiago - Chile
Simulation of in-kind benefits Santiago - Chile
Historical payments of in-kind benefits Santiago - Chile
Development factors Santiago - Chile
Graduated development factors Santiago - Chile
Reference payments Santiago - Chile
Projected payments related to injuries occurring after the valuation date Santiago - Chile
Factors used in the calculation of weighted average payments Santiago - Chile
Consolidated results file Santiago - Chile
Fund projection Santiago - Chile