X3D Technology Approach for Developing 3D Web-GIS System Sarawut Ninsawat*, Venkatesh Raghavan*, Shinji Masumoto**, Yann Chemin*** and Hideo Nakano* * Graduate School for Creative Cities, Osaka City University. ** Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University *** School of Engineering and Technology, Asian Institue of Technology
Introduction Web-GIS application has become More mature Richer client functionality. Rapidly increase of the need to develop User interaction and content Adopting technologies, such as, AJAX and tiling are necessary Recently Web-GIS application has become more mature and rich applications featuring. Various of application is release to society. Such as Health management, Transportation management and planning and so on. However the need to develop both of user interaction and content are rapidly increase day-by-day, such as several problems such as lag time in client and server interaction.
State of problems Most Web-GIS application provide only 2 dimensions data. Three dimensions data such as terrain data of area Useful for geologist and non-technical users Both of these problems are Most major need for Web-GIS application development. -Because time for data communication between client/server is need. -The need of 3 dimensions data such as terrain data of area, which is useful for geologist scientist, has not been fulfill yet.
New Web technologies fulfill the need of Web-GIS application X3D technology Real-time 3D computer graphics and VRML (Virtual Reality Modelling Language). System for the storage, retrieval and playback of real time graphics content embedded in applications. All within an open architecture to support a wide array of domains and user scenarios. Standard of W3D Consortium. -Many new Web technology have been develop with the same reason to response the need of users and information provider developers. -AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is the one of powerful performance technology which has widely used in many Web application to improve interaction between client and server. -X3D is a new version of VRML that use to enabled real time 3D computer graphics among the internet connection.
X3D technology Basis of X3D is XML standard to make 3D file format. Enables real time 3D data across desktop and network applications. Many features for multi-purpose application ISO standard (ISO/IEC 19775) Reliable and Robust X3D file is one of XML standard that enable to make 3D visualization. …. application such as for engineering and scientific visualization, CAD and architecture, multimedia, entertainment, education and more. Because of development have to followed the ISO standard thus X3D has Reliable and Robust for development.
Open 3D GIS and Mapserver Integration Masumoto et al,(2004,2005) reported 3D visualization geological information using FOSS based GRASSLinks and external visualization tool such as NVIZ (work only on Unix environment). Honda et al,(2005) used a proprietary Java applet solution for 3D visualization of terrain model around tsunami area, south of Thailand using high resolution Ikonos image as surface information. But Java applet has some problem with Sun Java Run time environment.
Limitation and new fulfill technology Proprietary solution is not compliant to Open Standard VRML 1.0 is an outdated data format Lack of integration between 2D Web-GIS clients and 3D visualization tools Adopting recently emerging technology X3D technology can provide a multi-platform solution and has reliable and widely accepted standard.
Scope of prototype system Web-GIS prototype system could provide the X3D functionality as follows: Terrain visualization using medium resolution DEM (In this study, tested with data for Japan) Further improved and develop: Enable display of bore-hole data or infrastructure network as multi-layers Realistic terrain visualization by combing satellite image
Open 3D GIS Project The Open 3D GIS which is Free/Libre and Open Source Software provides Python script PostgreSQL built-in function Blender The output of process is X3D file only specific request area. Real time 3D visualization
3D GIS with AJAX Web-GIS client Model Web browser Flux plug-in HTML,CSS Data User Interface Ajax Engine JavaScript Call HTTP Request Web Server Blender X3D file PostgreSQL+PostGIS Query/Data Request Built-in Function Python Script 2D Data Query/Data Request 3D Data Mapserver/PHP MapScript Data conversation Image Map Data
Open 3D GIS Demo OpenGIS-demo
Open 3D GIS Demo OpenGIS-demo
Development for network infrastructure application Realistic visualization of spatial information for infrastructure management Life-line and network infrastructure Subway transportation network
Infrastructure application
Infrastructure application
Infrastructure application
Texture information on terrain model Texture information of terrain model must be added. GeoVRML: official Working Group of the Web3D Consortium. (www.geovrml.org) Representation of geographical data using the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML). For example, Remote sensing image used to represent as texture information on terrain model. GeoVRML 2.0 Specification to support X3D file is still a draft.
Texture information on terrain model
Improve capability of processing unit system The development to reduce processing time of triangulation of terrain data is need for large dataset and multi user service. Delaunay Triangulation process might be develop using parallel computing technology
Conclusion and Future Work Improved Web-GIS client by integrating various new web technologies such as AJAX and X3D. 3D Web-GIS can provide realistic visualization of spatial information. Need to investigate on realistic rendering and 3D spatial query. Streaming enabled X3D client and terrain tiled could be studied. AJAX3D is ongoing with specific X3D browser. Performance ‘s ….. In this study, Web-GIS client is improved by integrating various new web technologies such as AJAX and X3D. The final result could be a comprehensive web-gis client which provide a richer GIS exp, especially to novice users.
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