Dr. Salima MAOUCHE (MCA) Department of English, University of Bejaia The Multifaceted Aspects of Civics Education and their Impacts on EFL Learners’ Development Dr. Salima MAOUCHE (MCA) Department of English, University of Bejaia
introduction Civics education is essential to sustain our teaching and learning communities and inform effective and responsible citizenry to finally construct a solid education society where each individual will be able to locate social obstacles, measure outcomes, give importance to priorities, and thus target the main expected objectives: become a good citizen.
What is civics education? Civics education is a vast term that includes different aspects as instructions about citizenship, diversity and multiculturalism as well as guidance to become active participants in building communities. Moreover, the term defines how members of a community interact with the social, political and educational instances in order to have real life consequences and thus prepare them for citizenry integration and leadership proclamation. Isn’t it said in the Algerian popular proverbs that “He who masters his tongue, keeps sound and healthy”.
Overview on suggested Civics Education practices: activities and approaches that integrate civics education with language learning Tutors can help literacy learners understand about community, government, and history while doing hands-on activities, pre-reading activities, and activities that help them develop fine motor skills needed for writing: Learners can make collages representing their community with pictures cut from available magazines, alphabetize names of states or label maps, or match pictures of these institutions or people with their names or titles; activities can be designed according to learners’ levels and level difficulties. For instance:
Intermediate levels: Teachers can devise information-gap activities about local (Algerian) culture and history paying attention to vocabulary level, structure and content of the piece of writing (a paragraph). Intermediate levels: the integration of the collaborative and cooperative principles in class or out of the classroom are warmly recommended as at this level, the learners can use the world wide web for actions research. Advanced levels: Advanced English language learners are usually concerned about grammar, writing, and listening and speaking in complex or academic contexts. Volunteering in community organizations are ways advanced learners can participate in the community while using and improving their communicative skills.
Civics Education through EFL Project in the Algerian Higher Education Institutions we can as tutors enable our EFL learners learn how to develop the civic education potential through language teaching and learning based on activities which are as follows: Human knot whose aim is to facilitate group and community integration through good listening and equal role distribution, Marsh mallow challenge teaches how to plan action, manage time, listen to, and encounter challenges, Work chain is based on reinforcing action plan, communication, time and group of individuals challenge solving, Role play to deal with students’ and parents’ obstacles through the presentation of problem solving propositions and programs, Sharing likes and dislikes to fully understand the other, accept him/ her, and consider him/her as a full member of the community, Line up, an activity based on critical thinking which enables the participants to listen to the other, respect the position and point of view of the other, and thus draw conclusions on the basis of fairness and reasonability,
Mind squeeze meant to reinforce the memorization of historical and societal events Language activities to teach the different language micro and macro skills, Drawing situations to blend verbal intelligence problem solving Action research to encourage data collection for any undertaken research Problem solving activities: Prior information data collection, Classroom management data collection, Classroom setting data collection Instructions data collection
Contextualizing the teaching and learning process, learner’s autonomy based on: activity main objectives, the audience , time allotted, the necessary materials the most attributes of the workshops achievements are to consider the following: Contextualizing the teaching and learning process, Sequencing the teaching and learning process, Considering the language as a tool to vehicle the teaching and learning content, and Considering the civic education as a support to the teaching and learning process