Be on the right PATH
PATH= Productive, Accountable, Timely, and Honorable The PATH is introduced by teachers and reinforced by students. Both parties have ownership of the process.
PRODUCTIVE= Working effectively and efficiently on tasks until completion.
ACCOUNTABLE= Accepting responsibility and being reliable.
TIMELY= Be punctual and use your time wisely.
Honorable= Value your principles, be honest, and treat others with respect.
Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968. Robert F Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968. Robert F. Kennedy was running for President of the United States at the time. When news arrived of King’s death, campaign operators advised RFK to skip the scheduled speech that was to be held for African Americans in Indianapolis. His staff feared for his safety. Many cities suffered riots and intense violence at the news of MLK’s death. Indianapolis did not riot. Many attributed that to the speech by RFK.
The Bottom Line / What are our goals? Rules set limitations. PATH sets expectations. Everyone buys in and has a stake in the learning process. A comfortable learning environment is fun and relaxing. Supports are always available for those who want to succeed. Everyone benefits from being on the right PATH. This applies to the administration, faculty, students, and parents.