Julius Caesar Quick Writes All entries should be at least half of a page (to the middle hole punch).
Act 1.1 Quick Write Good people are often driven to do bad things in their pursuit of wealth, fame, and/or power. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your stance, being sure to write about a real situation/situations from your own life of things you witnessed in our larger culture.
Act 1.2 Quick Write What is a personal feeling that you wrestle with? Are there two feelings within yourself that conflict with each other? How do you combat these opposing feelings? Does one usually prevail? (Example: I want to be confident in the way I look, but I feel a lot of insecurities about my figure)
1.2 (Part Two) Quick Write Is better to… Pretend that you like someone you don’t like publicly, but continue to dislike them in private? OR Be honest with that person publicly that you dislike them?
1.3 Quick Write I am more likely to… Try to make changes in the world, even though it may cost me OR Stay out of it completely?
2.1 Quick Write Ms. Sherer is going to enter your quiz score from the last Caesar quiz as your score for the next Caesar quiz, since your last score is a definite indication of how you will do on the next test. Is this a correct assumption? Why or why not? You will want to set this up before you give the quick write.
2.1 Quick Write Is it better to have… A leader who has the exact same opinions as you OR A leader that has varying opinions than you?
2.2 Quick Write Are you a different person in private than you are in public? Why or why not? How are you different or the same?
2.4 Quick Write Do you believe that… Once your fate has been sealed, there is no changing it OR You can always change the outcome of your life?
3.1 Quick Write Is it better to… Lie, if it is going to make something good happen OR Tell the truth, even if it costs you what you want?
3.2 Quickwrite Are you still able to consider any of the conspirators a “good person” despite having committed murder? Which ones? Why or why not? Do you think killing Caesar was justified?