Welcome to Dorset Road Infant School


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Dorset Road Infant School

High standards on a small scale Mrs Oke – Deputy Headteacher Mrs Brinkley – Executive Headteacher, Hayes Primary School and St Mary Cray Primary School.

A Dorset Road Child will … Be resilient Be independent Be a good citizen/member of the community (local/national) Enjoy and engage with school Fulfil their potential and be aspirational about their future Be prepared for the next transition in their school life Have excellent basic skills – reading, writing and maths Self driven and self regulating (behaviour) Take the initiative

Early Years Curriculum Prime areas Personal, social and emotional development Making relationships Self confidence and self awareness Managing feelings and behaviour Physical development Moving and handling Health and self-care Communication and Language Listening and attention Understanding Speaking

Early Years Curriculum Specific areas Literacy Reading Writing Mathematics Number Shape, space and measure Understanding the world People and communities The world Technology Expressive arts and design Exploring and using media and materials Being imaginative

How do children learn in Early Years Foundation Stage? The four overarching principles are: A Unique Child Positive Relationships Enabling Environments Learning and Development

How do we support you with your child’s transition into school? July 2017 Taster session Meeting for all new parents Children have the opportunity to spend an afternoon in their new classroom. September 2017 Home Visits Phased start to school Ongoing Support Parent workshops focusing on key aspects of the curriculum. (phonics, reading, early maths, communication, fine motor control)

What is on the curriculum in Y1 and Y2? Maths, English and Science (core subjects) Topics planned for interest and enjoyment and focused around the foundation subjects. These include Science, Geography, History, Art, RE, Music, Citizenship, Personal Social and Emotional Health (PSHE) and French Singing with Bromley Youth Music Trust teachers Regular visits to Mottingham library

How many adults and children in each class? Up to 30 children in each class One teacher and one member of teaching support staff in each class

How will I know what progress my child is making? Next steps targets discussed with parents each term Progress shared termly in reading, writing and maths Ideas for how parents could help at home

My child is a shy/quiet learner. Could he/she be overlooked? Each child has a target for progress. Children have next steps targets. Targets reviewed every half term in Pupil Progress Review meetings. Teacher’s planning, use of additional adults and resources are reviewed to meet the needs of each child.

Our Golden Rules Do be honest and kind Always do your best Do look after people and property Do listen to people Do walk around the school quietly

What if there are concerns about my child’s learning or behaviour? Mrs Oke – SENCo Early identification. Pupil progress reviews to discuss children’s needs (children needing additional challenge or support)

What extra curricular clubs does the school offer? Multi-sport Ballet Dodgeball Freestyle Dance Breakfast club

How does the school promote health and wellbeing? Relationships - thriving parent teacher association and parents welcome in school Exercise – learning about the benefits and regular exercise sessions (PE) Healthy eating – every child is offered a free school lunch and encouraged to try out new choices of food

Outcomes at Dorset Road Infant School 64% of EYFS pupils reached a Good level of development (National 60%) At the end of KS1; Reading – 87% age related and 35% exceeding Writing – 79% age related and 16% exceeding Mathematics – 91% age related and 26% exceeding

How to apply Go to Bromley council website. Click on the school admission tab. Start your application form. Save details. Apply for up to six schools. You must include your nearest school. Deadline is 15th January 2017. Tel No: 0208 313 4044 after 2.00pm.

How to apply If your child has a medical need or other consideration for your application please put it on the form or speak to us before applying.

Any Questions?