Modern supercomputers, Georgian supercomputer project and usage areas Authors: Bekar Oikashvili Archil Prangishvili Zurab Modebadze
Areas of usage for supercomputer Aeronautics Auto Industry Space Technologies Military Seismology Weather Forecast Several visualizations (global warming, analysis, other) Development of nuclear technologies other
Supercomputer usage in different countries
First supercomputer: cdc 6600 Was created in 1960s and was used by CERN and Lawrence Radiation Laboratory; Performance: 3 MegaFLOPS; For comparison today’s desktop computer has average peak performance of 50+ GigaFLOPS;
Modern supercomputers
Vendor systems share on market
The most powerful supercomputer today: sunway taihulight The compute system is composed of 40 Cabinets
The most powerful supercomputer today: sunway taihulight
sunway taihulight specifications: Physical location: National Supercomputer Center, China CPU: Shenway-64 (Sunway SW26010) RAM: 1.31 PB Total Nodes: 40 960 Total Cores: 10 649 600 Performance: 93 PetaFLOPS Operating System: Sunway RaiseOS (Linux based) Power consumption: 15 MW Price: 273 Million US Dollars Active from: June 2016 Purpose: Oil prospecting, life science, weather forecast, Industrial design, drug research, …
sunway taihulight specifications: Developer: NRCPC, China Processor: Sunway SW26010 (4th generation Sunway) Architecture: Shenway-64 Instruction Set Core count: 260 Cores (Many core 64 bit RISC) Process Technology: N/A Performance: 3.03 TeraFLOPS
Modern supercomputer processor types: Homogeneous model includes in itself only one type of processor: Heterogeneous model includes in itself two or more different types of processors: + =
Difference in performance between processor types:
From heterogeneous back to homogeneous ?
Georgian supercomputer project Name: GeoGrid System (working name) Phisical location: Niko Muskhelishvili Institute of Computational Mathematics, Tbilisi, Georgia Architecture: Intel Xeon (Skylake) Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing (gen 2) RAM: 10 TB (DDR 4) Storage: 5 PB Interconnect: Intel Omni-Path (100 Gb/s) Performance: 200+ TerraFLOPS Operating System: Scientific Linux
Intel xeon phi (knights landing) The newest and one of the most advanced processors for parallel calculations; Two forms: Co-processor or Host processor; Self boot processor; Binary Compatibility with Xeon: Runs all legacy software. No recompilation; 14nm HPC Intel Xeon Phi; 8 billion transistors; 72 Silvermont (Atom) cores on single physical crystal; 6 DDR4 channels with 384GB Capacity; 4 threads per core; 16 GB Memory built-in crystal. 3 modes: Memory, Cache, Hybrid; 3+ TeraFLOPS (double-precision floating point performance) per socket;
Intel xeon phi blade (knights landing)
Intel xeon phi blade chassis (knights landing)
Intel xeon (skylake) The next generation Xeon; CPU form: Host processor; Cores: up to 28 cores with Intel HT Technology; 14nm HPC Intel Xeon; 6 DDR4 channels with 1.5 TB Capacity; Scalability: S2, S4, S8; Omni-Path support; 1 TeraFLOPS (double-precision floating point performance) per socket;
Geogrid usage areas Connect to CERN Tier 3 network; Deploy weather forecast system (WRF); Deploy HPC platform for scientists, students and researchers for different tests and modellings; Platform for scientific research applications;
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