Transition from Early Years setting to School SEMH Support Team
Who? Why? The SEMH Support Team can provide support, for the transition to school, for children who have previously been referred to them by an Early Years setting. The number of children being re-referred to us once they got to school was rising, so we needed to make the transition process more robust. We trialled a new system last year, and have used it more extensively this year.
Is it working?
Resources Can all be found at: Scroll down the page to find the resources
Swindon EYFS Transition Document This is in addition to: ‘Moving On’ Swindon EYFS Transition Document
MY NEW SCHOOL BOOKLET This is completed by the setting staff, by Parents, and by the school staff.
Transition to school plan Action When? Who? Review of progress
Transition to school plan This is a record of the transition meetings held between the setting, Parents and school staff. The SEMH Support Team will attend (at least) the first meeting, which should be held as soon as possible after it is known which school the child will be attending. The plan details what will need to happen for the child’s transition to school to be successful, who will be responsible for ensuring it will happen, when it will happen, and when the action will be reviewed.
If you need ideas… Example Transition to school plan, and Ideas for activities to support transition from Early Years to Reception class can be found on Schoolsonline. More example transition plans, for specific needs, will be available soon.
Review meeting - June A meeting to review the transition plan should be held in June. Further actions may be added to the plan at this stage. The Team worker will attend this meeting if needed – this will be their second transition visit of three. Alternatively they can offer further advice within the setting if required. By now the MY NEW SCHOOL BOOKLET should be on the way to completion.
The Team need: A copy of the reviewed transition plan in June. Contact details for the child’s new Teacher in school.
What happens next? During the summer Parents can regularly share the MY NEW SCHOOL BOOKLET with their child, so the child is prepared for what will happen when they get to school. In September, The Team worker will contact the school to arrange to visit to offer any further support which is needed.
What did people in schools think of the support? “As a school, we found the transition project very beneficial as it provided a clear picture of (the child’s) individual needs - both through the meetings held with parents and pre-school, and the development of the transition booklet. The information in the transition booklet was really valuable in helping us to plan for (the child’s) successful transition visits which have in turn, led to her successful transition into school.” “As it was my first time in this situation it was very helpful to have suggestions from your service.”
Next Year Please make referrals, via your Early Years Consultant, before March, if you feel the child will need transition support. The SEMH Support Team will only support the transition process if we have worked with the setting to support the child. There are now several settings who have been part of the transition process, so can help you if you require support just with transition planning. Please contact Karen Flower, who can put you in touch with someone to help you.
Thank you for listening. Any questions?