Life Around Us...
- Warm Up - Directions Did you place your name, date and condition in the front cover of book? Look over you work – “field investigation “--- Look for common life characteristics between the park and home study…
“Field Study – Living Proof” Compare and Contrast Please do the following alone in your notebook – Look over the data you collected from the school and home locations. Using any method that is easy for you, compare and contrast the living organisms you observed in these two locations. (venn diagram, bubble map, comparative list, etc.)
Discussion Questions answer alone & pair share What types of organisms were common to your area that you did NOT see? Part I (School) Part II (Home) What might explain the absence of these organisms? How would you determine if the time of day or weather influences the types of organisms you see?
Note at least 3 characteristics or properties of life that the organisms you observed have in common. **Share with your table buddy Did you list the same characteristics? If not, note your partner’s characteristics with yours in your notebook. **Share with nearby table - Share some common characteristics that all the living things you observed possess. List at least 5 of those characteristics. (*Star the 2 most important common characteristics.)
Class List of Life Characteristics Together let’s make a list of life characteristics for our class Volunteer Note taker (s), anyone? Needs to put our characteristics on poster & on computer screen Colorful and neat is important Please note our list in your notebook
Period 4 - Life Characteristics Photosynthesize Need Water Need Air Growth Death Movement Need Energy Need Food Reproduction
Period 5 LIFE CHARACTERISTICS Movement Drink/Absorb Water Adapt Breathe Gather nutrients Eat Blink Reproduce Die Grow Decompose Transfer of Energy
Period 6 LIFE CHARACTERISTICS Ability to grow Can move Has cells Needs vitamins Ability to grow Needs Heat Needs light Can adapt Reproduce Needs water Can make sound Needs air Can breathe Needs food (nutrients) Possess senses Can Die Can evolve Needs Shelter Interact with others Get sick
Life Characteristics Period 6 Ability to grow Can move Has cells Needs vitamins Ability to grow Needs Heat Needs light Can adapt Reproduce Get Sick Needs water Can make sound Needs air Can breathe Needs food (nutrients) Possess senses Can Die Can evolve Needs Shelter Interact with others
Living Proof Together we will read page 1 in textbook and you will use the plant (flower) at lab st. 1st Alone write your answer to the question - “Is the plant alive?” “How do you know?” Share your ideas with table buddy Using our life characteristics list from earlier, can you apply these to all living things? Using our class’ list… Do you think there should be changes? (addition or deletions?)
Share those changes to our list of life characteristics We will edit our list!
Living or Nonliving p2 9/20/16 What features do you notice about your unidentified substance? How were your observations limiting when trying to determine whether your substance was living or nonliving? What questions do you need to ask in order to gain more knowledge? (#3) How would you go about answering those questions? (#4)
Alien Article p2-4 Review article… Answer questions p 4 #1-5 Check over answers with partner… Class discussion… What is the difference between Living Thing Non-living Thing Alive not Alive
Aliens (reading p2-4) What were the key points of the reading? What do the tests for detecting life forms tell you about what it means to be alive? (#1) What other indications or characteristics of life were scientists looking for? (#2) Why do you think air and food are important to staying alive? (#3) What is meant when scientists speak fo not finding life “as we know it”? (#4)
Life Characteristics: Able to GROW Able to extract and USE ENERGY and nutrients from its environment Able to REPAIR and maintain itself Able to REPRODUCE Able to RESPOND to its environment Composed of CELLS Made of ORGANIC matter (carbon) Will DIE Have GENETIC material (DNA) Exchange GASES (Oxygen / CO2)
Revisit List of Life Characteristics Able to respond to changes in environment Examples: How do animals respond to lack of water? How do organisms respond lack of food/nutrients? We will study the response of an organism (worm) to changes in their environment.
LE 2 - Which Way Do They Go? Prologue (p7) 6/21/16 What do organisms need to stay alive? What are some basic resources? What would happen to organisms without these basic resources? 9/21 p4/6
Resources needed from the environment by ALL Sunlight Food (Nutrition) Water Air [gases]
ARHS Science Lab Format Please tape form into the front inside cover of your notebook Using the procedure “A Comfortable Place”, prepare your Lab for tomorrow by writing out Title: Hypothesis A: Hypothesis B: Materials: “as on sheet” Procedure: Write a brief summary of part A & Part B procedure
Title: A Comfortable Place Hypothesis A: If an earthworm is placed in a tray half covered & half uncovered, then the earthworm will move to the covered side because… Hypothesis B: If an earthworm is placed in a tray half moist & half dry, then the earthworm will move to the dry half, because…
Materials: “As on Sheet” Procedure: [Read procedure & record a summary, flow chart or bulleted list for -] Part A Part B Data: [Prepare a table for your results; repeated trials are recommended, if time]
Sample Data Table DATA: Part A – Worm Position / Behavior (suggested data table) Record results for part A and part B in a table… Time Light Side Dark Side Note – Behavior… 0 min 2 min 4 min 6 min 7 min 8 min 10 min
Part A Each group will need to acquire a supply of soil in your container and use the petri dish to acquire your worm You may use a fresh worm for Part B Design Part C; get a stamp of approval from Mrs. Shaw first; if time, you may do your procedure
Part B Change to procedure --- Please dampen the soil on one side of your tray. DO NOT USE paper towels… Your soil will be returned to a bucket in the front of the room.
Analysis Analysis: Answer questions #1-