Feb. 17, 2017 http://cccdeco.org
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Meeting AGENDA, Feb. 17, 2017 AGENDA: 12:00 – 12:02 – Housekeeping slides 12:02 – 12:05 – Introduction & Announcements – DECO President Lisa Beach and OEI Chief Professional Development Officer Autumn Bell 12:05 – 12:10 - Canvas Users Group Conference – OEI Chief Professional Development Officer Autumn Bell 12:10 _ 12:30 – Update from the CCC Chancellor’s office – Dean LeBaron Woodyard 12:30 – 12:55 – Update on OEI’s Online Course Design Rubric –CPD Officer Autumn Bell, @ONE Director Anna Stirling, @ONE Training & Development Coordinator Lené Whitley-Putz 12:55 – 12:59 – New ConferZoom platform for future DE Coordinator meetings – @ONE Director Anna Stirling 12:59 – 1:00 – Conclusion and Announcement of next meeting date March 17, 2017
DECO news & Announcements Lisa Beach, President DE Coordinators Org. Executive Board: Jodie Steeley, Susan Roig, Joanna Miller, Sarah Phinney Contact email: deco@cccdeco.org Website: http://cccdeco.org
CCC DECO Updates and Resources Register for OTC: http://onlineteachingconference.org/ Register now for the free DE Coordinator Retreat on June 19, 2017: http://otc17.eventbrite.com?discount=DE2017 Looking for Canvas answers/ideas? Remember to check the CCC Canvas Community: https://community.canvaslms.com/groups/ccc Want to join DEC101?: https://ccconlineed.instructure.com/enroll/XGDG36 Find links to the results of the Faculty Compensation and Faculty Training surveys in the Discussion area! Are you a non-pilot college with questions about the Course Exchange?: https://www.ccctechnology.info/ccctc/categories/ccctc_course_exchan ge Current Exchange Timeline = First 8 pilots: Spring 2017, next 16 pilots: Fall 2017, applications for more colleges to join: 2018
OEI Announcement Looking for a campus to host first annual Canvas Users Group Conference: One-day events: one north, one south. Instructure and OEI will handle arrangements. Swag - but not sales. abell@ccconlineed.org Autumn Bell, OEI Chief Professional Development Officer
Chancellor’s Office Update Distance Education Coordinators Monthly Meeting February 17, 2017 Chancellor’s Office Update LeBaron Woodyard, Ph.D. Dean, Academic Affairs
OER Zero Textbook Cost Degree Program 23 Grants 18 Planning Grants 5 Implementation grants One Technical Assistance Contractor Initiating Phase 2 in Spring 2017
DEETAC Update Welcome Laurie Vasquez, SBCC, representing Academic Senate Still vacant: CEO, SSSP, RP Group Continued discussion on regulatory and policy changes Next meeting March 15
State Authorization Network Update Deadline to introduce a bill this legislative session (2017-2018) is February 17 Working with USF on a coordinated meeting On the Federal level Enforcement of SARA rules set to begin July 1, 2018 Though Education Department supports SARA, widespread deregulation by the new administration may change SARA More information on requirements of new Education Department Rules: https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/education-department-announces-final-rule-state-authorization-postsecondary-distance-education-foreign-locations Education Department supports SARA: A letter from Ted Mitchell confirmed the Education Department’s support of SARA, clarifying that SARA would satisfy the recently announced new regulations: http://www.chronicle.com/blogs/ticker/education-dept-clarifies-rule-governing-online-courses/116544 New Presidential Administration impact on SARA: https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2016/12/21/state-authorization-rule-long-works-faces-opposition-new-congress
Institutional Distance Education Surveys SurveyGizmo distributed link to DE Coordinators on January 26 If you cannot find your link: Check your junk mail Contact Erin (elarson@cccco.edu, 916-327-0067) Please do not forward - links are specific to each college Responses are due March 28
Student DE Satisfaction Survey 53 colleges confirmed participation There is still time to participate, if… No custom questions are submitted, and The student sample is received by the deadline. Contact Erin (elarson@cccco.edu, 916-327-0067) Updating the wording of demographic questions Student samples are due to CCCCO February 24 Survey open for responses between March 1 - May 1
Faculty Satisfaction Survey Solicitation for participation in March Eligible respondents: all faculty teaching DE in Spring 2017 Not an evaluation of faculty Administered at the end of Spring 2017
Questions? Thank you! Send general inquiries to eppdunit@cccco.edu
OEI Course Design Rubric Revised OEI Course Design Rubric Autumn Bell, OEI Chief Professional Development Officer Anna Stirling @ONE Director Lené Whitley-Putz, @ONE Training and Development Coordinator
Revised OEI Course Design Rubric
The Purpose of the Rubric To support faculty in designing online courses that: Promote student success. Meet accreditation requirements. Meet existing regulatory requirements. Make effective use of the the course management system.
Background Developed in 2014 by the OEI Professional Development work group. Revisions based on faculty and reviewer feedback. Current version developed by faculty Lead Course Reviewers and adopted Nov. 2016.
Where to Find it… ccconlineed.org
Word Doc. 4 Levels with a scoring range. Scoring: min of 3 for each element; 51 cumulative. Fillable PDF with checkboxes and comment fields. Elements streamlined. Three levels. No scoring: faculty aim for alignment in all elements.
Sections A-C Section A: Content Presentation Section B: Interaction 13 elements: Course navigation, learning objectives, and access to student support information. Section B: Interaction 8 elements: Regular effective contact, student-to-student collaboration, and communication activities that build a sense of community among online learners. Section C: Assessment 8 elements: Alignment of objectives and assessments, the clarity of instructions for completing assessments, and evidence of timely and regular feedback.
Sections D-E Section D: Accessibility 23 elements: Primarily under the control of faculty when developing a course. Section E: Institutional Accessibility Concerns 4 elements: May be outside the purview of the instructor; may require additional consideration or intervention at the institutional level.
It’s Your Rubric Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License and can be used as: A roadmap for designing new online courses. A tool for updating or improving existing courses. A guide for migrating courses to Canvas. The foundation for starting a local POCR (Peer Online Course Review) Club.
http://bit.ly/pocr-interestlist Free POCR Lessons! 3 sections in Spring – April seats still available! http://bit.ly/pocr-interestlist More sections will be added based on interest Build your local review team
The Online Course Design Guide from @ONE https://ccconlineed The Online Course Design Guide from @ONE https://ccconlineed.instructure.com/courses/770 Or http://bit.ly/OEICDR (case sensitive)
Share your resources & examples
OTC Session: "The OEI Course Design Rubric - Real Stories, Real Results" In this session you will hear from a panel of faculty and DE Coordinators who will share their experiences applying the rubric. Find out how the rubric has helped your peers build new courses and update existing courses. Find out how colleges are using the rubric to meet regulatory and accreditation requirements, and improve student success. abell@ccconlineed.org astirling@onefortraining.org
NEW PLATFORM! In March we’ll be using an accessible version of the ConferZoom platform. New access instructions will be posted on the DE Coordinator Meeting page http://onefortraining.org/coordinators.
Evaluation Survey Help us improve the monthly DE coordinators meeting. Take this anonymous online feedback survey: http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/1 378620/California-Community- Colleges-Chancellor-s-Office-DE- Coordinators-Monthly-Meeting- Feedback-Survey