Department of Health Philippines Short Briefing
ICT Infrastructure e-Readiness Ranking: In 2010 Digital Economy Report, the Philippines has maintained its ranking 54 out of 70 countries (Digital Economy Source of 4.47) [Source – Economist Intelligent Unit 2010] Broadband Infrastructure: The backbone capacity of the Philippines bodes well for future broadband development. 63 out of 80 provinces (79%) have fibre-based infrastructure of at least one operator Fixed or mobile broadband services exist in at least 761 cities and municipalities nationwide (approx. half of the total cities and municipalities in the country)
Linkages Between Systems Philippine Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response: integrated approach of disease surveillance and response from hospitals, clinics, rural health units, city health offices, and staff in epidemiology and surveillance units at the provincial, regional, and national levels. Health Emergency Management Information System: has a Daily Health Emergency Alert Reporting System which send reports to the Secretary of Health, with copies sent to concerned offices for information and immediate response; has national and regional operation centers; It also networks with other concerned offices such as Poison Control Centers, National Voluntary Blood Services Program, Bureau of Food and Drugs, Armed Forces of the Philippines, Philippine National Police, Coastguard, Bureau of Fire Protection and keeps closely in touch with the Office of Civil Defense of the National Disaster Coordinating Council. Unified Health Management Information System: puts into one place all health information systems; brings together data from different health information systems, to share and disseminate them, and to ensure that health information is used rationally, effectively and efficiently to improve health action or decision-making process. For Implementation - Integrated Chronic Non-Communicable Disease Registry System: Integrated registry of cancer, diabetes, stroke, COPD, cardio-vascular and renal disease. For Development - Philippine Integrated Injury Data Management System: establishes an integrated reporting of all injury related cases from various sources like Philippine National Police, Department of Transportation and Communication, Metropolitan Manila Development Authority and others.
Latest Big Projects – HIS Implementation National Electronic Injury Surveillance System Hospital Operations and Management Information System Field Health Services Information System HIS Related Offices Information Management Service: Develops and manages the health and management information systems and infostructure (corporate database and telecommunication services); Formulates and implements plans, programs and standards for management information technology development National Epidemiology Center: Develops and evaluates surveillance and other health information systems; Collects, analyzes and disseminates reliable and timely information on the health status of the population. Center for Health Development Offices: Develop and improve regional health systems ; Support implementation of national information systems.
Privacy and Confidentiality Protection Republic Act 8504: An Act Promulgating Policies and Prescribing Measures for the Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS in the Philippines, Instituting a Nationwide HIV/AIDS Information and Educational Program, Establishing a Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Monitoring System, Strengthening the Philippine National Aids Council, and for other purposes; Article VI Confidentiality Electronic Commerce Act - imposes a confidentiality obligation on any person who gained lawful access to information covered by or contained in an electronic data message or electronic document (section 32, ECA). Reference: Department Administrative Order # 08, Series 2006 – Prescribing Guidelines for the Protection of Personal Data in Information and Communication System in the Private Sector ** No comprehensive legislation on personal data protection or information privacy but privacy right is generally connected with the due process clause of the Constitution, privacy of communications and correspondence (section 3, Article III, Constitution).
Working Groups E-Health Strategy Philippine Health Information Network – a coalition of agencies owning data to be used by the Philippine Health Information System; built the linkages among partner agencies; assessed the current state of health information systems; formulated general strategy for PHIS development; created the National Health Data Dictionary Philippine Network for Injury Data Management System – a multi-sectoral organization composed of government and non-government agencies that is tasked to establish and maintain a coordinated data management system that can link, integrated or combine injury from various sources or systems to provide an overall picture for policy makers at the national, regional and local levels. E-Health Strategy Information System Strategic Plan: National E-Health Strategic Framework; National E-Health Strategic Framework 2010-2016 with five (5) major areas of concerns: Enabling Structures and Resources Mission-Critical Health Application Systems Philippine Health Information System Knowledge Management for Health Teleconsulting (Telemedicine/mhealth services)