Datum zeggen allesvoorengels.nl
In het Nederlands
getal | maand | jaar 13 juli 2004 dertien juli 2004the second of April. allesvoorengels.nl
getal | maand | jaar 13 juli 2004 dertien juli 2004 21-08-1991 eenentwintig augustus 1991 the second of April. allesvoorengels.nl
In het Engels
the | rangtelwoord | of | maand | jaar the thirteenth of July 2004 the second of April. the thirteenth of July 2004 the second of April. the thirteenth of July 2004 the second of April. the thirteenth of July 2004 the second of April. the thirteenth of July 2004 the second of April. 13 July 2004 the second of April. allesvoorengels.nl
the | rangtelwoord | of | maand | jaar the twenty-first of August 1991 the second of April. the twenty-first of August 1991 the second of April. the twenty-first of August 1991 the second of April. the twenty-first of August 1991 the second of April. the twenty-first of August 1991 the second of April. 13 July 2004 the thirteenth of July 2004 21-08-1991 the second of April. allesvoorengels.nl
the | rangtelwoord | of | maand | jaar Today it is the second of April. Today it is the second of April. Today it is the second of April. Today it is the second of April Vandaag is het 2 april. Today it is the second of April. allesvoorengels.nl
the | rangtelwoord | of | maand | jaar of April. My birthday is on the thirteenth of February 2016. of April. My birthday is on the thirteenth of February 2016. of April. My birthday is on the thirteenth of February 2016. of April. My birthday is on the thirteenth of February 2016. of April. My birthday is on the thirteenth of February 2016. Vandaag is het 2 april. Today it is the second of April. second of April. Mijn verjaardag is op 13 februari 2016. My birthday is on the thirteenth of February 2016. allesvoorengels.nl
the | rangtelwoord | of | maand | jaar Vandaag is het 2 april. Today it is the second of April.e second of April. Mijn verjaardag is op 13 februari 2016. My birthday is on the thirteenth of February 2016. Het festival vond plaats op 27-11-1987. The festival took place on the twenty-seventh of November 1987. Vandaag is het 2 april. Today it is the second of April.e second of April. Mijn verjaardag is op 13 februari 2016. My birthday is on the thirteenth of February 2016. Het festival vond plaats op 27-11-1987. The festival took place on the twenty-seventh of November 1987. Vandaag is het 2 april. Today it is the second of April.e second of April. Mijn verjaardag is op 13 februari 2016. My birthday is on the thirteenth of February 2016. Het festival vond plaats op 27-11-1987. The festival took place on the twenty-seventh of November 1987. Vandaag is het 2 april. Today it is the second of April.e second of April. Mijn verjaardag is op 13 februari 2016. My birthday is on the thirteenth of February 2016. Het festival vond plaats op 27-11-1987. The festival took place on the twenty-seventh of November 1987. Vandaag is het 2 april. Today it is the second of April.e second of April. Mijn verjaardag is op 13 februari 2016. My birthday is on the thirteenth of February 2016. Het festival vond plaats op 27-11-1987. The festival took place on the twenty-seventh of November 1987. Vandaag is het 2 april. Today it is the second of April. Mijn verjaardag is op 13 februari 2016. My birthday is on the thirteenth of February 2016. Het festival vond plaats op 27-11-1987. The festival took place on the twenty-seventh of November 1987. allesvoorengels.nl
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