Dramatic Action The Games Stunt Doubles Moving People Stand, Sit Kneel Lie Down Entrances and Exits Evolution Touch it Freeze Tag Death in a Minute Puppets Dry Cleaning Bag of Death Slo Mo Samurai Change It Three Deaths
Stunt Doubles A scene is played by 2 players. Every time a player needs to do something difficult/unpleasant, another player jumps in as a stunt double. When done, the stunt double freezes the scene and the original player continues the scene.
Moving People Play a 2-player scene, in which no-one is allowed to talk unless they create a new object and a movement along with it. All created objects stay where they are, and moving a previously created object does not lead to permission to talk.
Slo Mo Samurai Tell the players they are Samurai, and their right forearm is a poisoned sword. Then have them do a slow motion sword fight. The only way to fend off a `sword` is by blocking it with your right arm. If another players sword touches your body on any other part than your right forearm, you die a gruesome death (also in slow motion). You must also do specific tasks while fighting (such as eating a sandwich)
Stand, Sit Kneel Lie Down Four Players At any point in the scene someone must stand, someone must sit, someone must kneel, and someone must lie down If a player moves, everyone else must adjust
Puppets 4 players. 2 players will be puppets; these players offer the lines of dialog in the scene, but they are not allowed to move about themselves. The other 2 players are the puppet masters, that will provide the movements for the puppets.
Evolution Have the group in a circle. Everyone starts out as an egg and places their hands above their head and together so that they look like an egg. When you say go each person will find another egg. Once they found that person they will then farkle (Rock, Paper , Scissors). The loser stays an egg and the winner becomes a chicken, placing their arms as wings and making chicken noises. The chicken then looks for another chicken while the egg looks for another egg. When you win as a chicken you become a dinosaur, placing your hands out and roaring like a dinosaur. If you lose as a chicken you drop back down to an egg. Dinosaurs then find other dinosaurs, where they will play to become the ultimate people. Ultimate people put their hands over their heads like superman and look for others like them. If you lose as a dinosaur you go back to being a chicken, looking for other chickens. If the Ultimate person loses to another Ultimate person they go back to a dinosaur, and if they win they stay as ultimate people.
*Entrances and Exits* Two people start on stage Another person comes on. There MUST be motivation to enter When someone enters, another player must come up with a reason to exit so only two players are on stage You may not repeat reasons to enter or exit
Touch it Players play a scene in which they can only use speech when they touch each other. Fun when played in locations when people don`t usually touch each other, like a confession chair, a sauna. Don`t go for the easy option of just touching your partner`s forearm or shoulder - there are so many ways to touch each other. Try hugging, fighting, baptizing, tickling.
Freeze Tag 2 actors start an improvized scene. At any point in time another player can call Freeze. This player then tags out one of the 2 actors, and takes his place. Both players then start a new scene, justifying their positions.
Death in a Minute 2 or 3 players play a 1 minute scene, in which everyone must die a horrible death from a scenario that the audience provides
Dry Cleaning Bag of Death We need three or four players for this improv game. During an improvized scene, one player is always off-stage, with his head inside a dry cleaning bag, slowly suffocating. He is not allowed out of the bag until some other player finds a way to to exit the scene and `liberate` the suffocating player. New player puts his head into the bag until freed by another player, and first liberated player finds a way to justify his entrance into the scene.
Change It A tough game Two people start out. They improv a scene. Any time we can tell what the scene is, the host says “change it” and the players come up with a new scene. The game lasts three minutes In that time they will change scenes about 30-50 times.
Three Deaths Teams will be given three locations: one indoor, one outdoor and one make believe. Teams will act out a scene in each location until someone dies. The location then changes to the next scene. This continues until EVERYONE is dead. No one may die the same way. No one may commit suicide (you must be killed by the environment)