School Sport Organsing Crew Nick Miller School Games Organiser Wandsworth
Aim of the session: WHAT? - School Sports Organising Crew? WHY? - Understand benefits of having a SSOC WHO? Should be on the SSOC HOW? Can the SSOC help at your school WHEN? Will this happen - Action plan
Comfort, Stretch, Panic STRETCH PANIC COMFORT
What is a School Sport Organising Committee? A School Sport Organising Crew is a group of young people who join together to organise, co-ordinate and promote the School Games and school sport.
Benefits of an SSOC? It will give YOU & other students a voice to ensure that sporting activities are based on what YOU want. It will empower YOU and other young People to lead and make changes YOU will learn skills that will help you in the future, demonstrates you are prepared to take on responsibilities & show commitment. It will help YOU develop the ability to overcome challenges and make decisions, as an individual and as a part of a team YOU can help the PE Staff to deliver a wider range of activities for more young people.
Task 1 – In Groups Discuss What could a School Sports Organising Crew do in your school?
What do we do? Did you come up with any of the following? Listen to what other students want to do. Organise and plan different types of events that will appeal to a range of young people. Schedule activity into the school or college diary. Publicise events, competitions and school sports clubs. Recruit participants to take part. Co-ordinate the running of school sports clubs and competitions. Identify volunteers to support the events. Promote the success of your events and school sport.
Activity: One: What roles are needed in SSOC?
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Official Rules! Play using whole body shapes (as shown). Win = go to winners’ area (stay if already there). Lose = go to losers’ area (stay if already there). Draw = first to spin round and say ‘snap’ wins. First 4 players to win 7 games make the semi-finals. The 2 winning semi-finalists play in the grand final.
Roles in the SSOC Team Leader Media/Publicity/Admin/ Noticeboard Competition organiser/ Club Manager Equipment/Facility/Safety Coach/Officials/Referees
Volunteers as ‘cogs’ Adapted from Create Development’s ‘Raising the Bar’ resource
Activity: Who do you need to help you to set up the SSOC?
Senior Leadership Team Support and influence to set up a School Sport Organising Crew Senior Leadership Team Coach PE/Sport Leader Head Teacher Other teachers
Activity: What qualities & skills do you need?
Card Pyramid Decide on your top 10 Order them in a pyramid (most important at top) Be prepared to explain your rationale!
Qualities & Skills needed Respect …. Treating others politely and with understanding. Accepting life’s ups and downs with grace. Respect every day, in everything you do and for everyone around you. Honesty …. with others and with yourself. Have the courage to do the right thing. Be truthful and promote fairness in every situation. Passion …. giving it 100%, putting your heart and soul into what you are doing & never give up. With passion you can take on challenges and overcome them. Determination ….Keep going what ever! Push yourself to achieve your dreams. Show strength & self-discipline to overcome obstacles. keep working every day to become the very best you can be. . Team work …. Treat everyone equally, support each other and work together to have fun and achieve. Celebrate each other’s success. Be a good friend and a positive team player in school, sport and life. Self Belief …. You’ve got to believe to achieve! Have the self belief and confidence to succeed and reach your personal best.
What will your School Sports Organising Crew do? Once you are established as an SSOC you will need to decide as a group what are going to do? Find out what the students want from PE and school sport Work alongside your teachers and coaches to achieve school priorities Organise and deliver activities, festivals, competitions and events
Task 3. In school groups discuss what you would like to do in your school. What? Why? When? Where? How?
You can: Organise & plan different sports & competitions Help run school teams and with participants Run sports clubs after school/break Recruit volunteers to help out Referee, coach & officiate Promote events, competitions & clubs in your school
Activity: Action plan: What are your next steps? What do you need to do and by when?