Google Summit 2017 Flipped Classroom and Google Apps Here is a link to my slides: Christina Barrentine Manila High School Math Teacher
Here is a link to my slides: Please complete the following: Needs Assessment (Inspiration for Needs Assessment from Tyler Isabell) Here is a link to my slides:
Let’s Share This Document! Please open this sharable doc to take group notes or keep track of any resources you might like to use in your classes and any questions that may arise during the presentation. JcqVg4rxpyqec-EU/edit?usp=sharing Please type comments or notes in black and questions in blue.
What is a Flipped Classroom? Flipped classrooms put the responsibility for learning back on the student. Students watch short video and take notes outside of class. Students work on exercise problems, projects, or group discussion during class.
Intro to Google Classroom
The About Tab This is where you will put all the important information that students may need to go back to over the year.
How to Add students to your Class The easiest way to add students is to give them the code to join your class. This is located on your student tab. You as the teacher can also Invite Students by email.
How to Add Announcements & Questions This is on the stream page. Click the plus sign in the bottom right corner to get link for Reuse Post, Questions, Assignments, and Announcements.
Announcements & Questions Type what you want to say to the students. When adding announcements, question, or assignments to the stream you can even attach documents, pictures, video, or web links. When ready to post click post. If you want to post at a specific time, click the drop down tab by the word post for more options.
How to Adding Assignments You click the plus sign in the bottom right corner. Click assignment. Give it a title and instructions. You can give it a due date but do not have to assign one. Same as with Announcements you can attach things and you can post right away or schedule it.
Getting Ready to Flip To start flipping my class, I start with the notes I want the students to take. I create the notes using Microsoft word (because I use a lot of formulas) but you could also use Google Docs. Next, I prepare to make my videos. I use my document camera and a SD card to record the videos. Once I have the videos complete, I upload them to YouTube.(You will need your own channel.) Last, I create an announcement that has the video, notes, and assignment attached.
Example Bridge Classroom
Youtube Channel Go to and sign in with your google account. On the left side click My Channel. Then click Create Channel. Now you have a Youtube Channel!
Hyper Docs Hyper Docs are interactive documents. So instead of a student just reading a document, the document could have something to read, a video attached, and questions they could answer about the video. Example of Hyper doc from this sites resource tab for Science. Electricity
Apps that help CamScanner-An app that allows you to use your phone to turn a document into a pdf Web Cam Toy-Allows you to use the web camera on your computer to take pictures Screencastify - Record video from your screen Let’s Recap- Students record answers based off questions assigned to them
Google Slides Google's version of Powerpoint I use Google Slides to guide students through the notes that I want them to take. I usually make a slide with an example question and then insert a video for them to watch. To do this you click insert then video then you can copy the URL or search for your video I also have slides with just questions (Now you try), and the next slide has the answer. The last slide has the assignment that I will expect them to work on in class and possibly some questions they may need to answer in class the next day.
Example Using Linear Models Day 1 Slides Linear Inequality Slides
Embedding Videos Click Insert top left side Click Video Then search for a youtube link or if you have the link, copy and paste. Then press select. The video will only play in presentation mode.
Google Docs Google’s version of Microsoft word. Google Docs are different from Word in that you can share documents more easily. Also, you can have multiple students working on the same doc at the same time.(Like y'all are doing with the notes and questions doc hopefully.) The only negative I see is that Docs do not allow formulas as easily as Word.
Creating Guided Notes and Examples To create guide notes, I look at the questions that I am going to have the students answer and use this to build my notes. I start by making a table that is usually 1 column and 15-20 rows. You can always delete rows if not needed. Then, I add a question on one row and leave a blank row for student answers. I repeat the process until I feel the lesson is complete. Linear Inequality Notes Absolute Value Functions Day 1
Google Forms Google Forms can be used for many things including but not limited to the following: bell ringers, exit tickets, surveys, quizzes, and test. I usually give my students tests or quizzes using Google forms.
Creating a Test with Google Forms Open a blank quiz form Click on the tool wheel for settings Once on setting, you can click on Quizzes Select Make this a quiz and the Form is now a quiz (this should already be marked if you clicked blank quiz) Forms will only grade multiple choice questions
Example Of a Quiz Geometry Semester Test Bridge Quiz Bridge Semester Test Here is a website with many different forms quizzes google-forms-every.html
Copying PreMade Questions from Question Bank If you have a test generator that you use, you can use these question for your tests as well. This comes in handy for many things! My method is as follows: Take a screenshot (usually just push the button with PRTSC on it or PRTSC+CTRL maybe even PRTSC+FN; if none of these work, Google it) Then, open paint on your computer and paste. Next, crop what you need. You can even use the eraser to delete things on the picture. Then, save the image. Last, use it where needed.
Let’s Get to Flipping! Here Are a few things to Keep in Mind: You need a lesson or unit in mind first. What do you want the students to understand? What do you want them to take away from the lesson? Decide what questions you would like to ask a direct instruction to guide the students to achieve understanding of the content. Also, decide if you would like to add videos, if so do you want to create the video or find them on youtube. Next decide, if you would like to give students guided questions. These would be like “Now Try Me” problems that you give the answers to soon after they try them. Then decide, if you want to give them an assignment to go with the lesson or a closure to end the lesson. Always keep in mind how you will be assessing the students over your materials.